That Job I Dread So Much

in HiveGhana6 months ago
My mother enrolled my brothers and I into a military school at tender ages. It was not a boarding school so I didn’t really hate it but I didn’t like it either. I’ve never had issues obeying instructions but there was just something about that school. Anytime the soldiers came around, they would just find a loophole in something to punish you no matter how obedient you were.

Anyway, I had a friend in school called Aku. The Aku that we all knew was really loud all the time but there were months she could just go off and get angry at the slightest things. In fact, I heard so many rumors about her being possessed in some months and all but I honestly didn’t care. I really wanted to know why she was always like that, after all, we were friends. So, I eventually became very close to her amidst all the rumors.

I was worried because she was very intelligent but during those months, her grades would drop beneath average. I wanted to understand why. I eventually became her best friend and then we started doing a lot of sleepovers at each other’s house. She stayed at the barracks and I stayed in town. The other thing I realized was that, she wasn’t the only dull one during those months, her whole family too.

On certain days, they would all gather waiting for a particular call at a particular time. Anytime, the call came through, they would be so happy. I later got to understand that it was her dad’s call they were waiting for. Her dad was a soldier who had gone for peacekeeping and there was assurance that he would return alive.
After I got to know, I understood her and even told her she was brave.

Not that I ever even wanted to be a soldier because I used to see the recruits carrying timber along the roadside during their training and it was enough to tell me that wasn’t something I was cut out for. So seeing what Aku always went through just cemented my decision. I admire soldiers a lot and one of the things I’m so proud about is that I went to a military school. That place instilled a level of discipline in my life that has helped me so much and I’ll forever be grateful.

However, I really don’t think I’m brave enough to go through the training and the worse part, leave home knowing very well I might not return. I know tomorrow is not promised for anyone but then this is different. I don’t think I’m that brave to pursue such a career.

In my country, sometimes I feel like soldiers are not given the recognition they should be given but then even if they were to be paid billions of dollars and given whatever recognition, I don’t think I would find myself in that career. You know the funny part?, any time we had a career day at school, none of the soldiers’ kids dressed as their parents so how much more me, a civilian’s kid? no o, I beg you.

image is mine


I also aspired to be a soldier one time in my life but the fear of death took away that aspiration from me, life is sweet, i don't want to die for my useless country.

I said aww but the latter part made me laugh🤣🤣

Is just like knowing the day you will die, I feel for your friend because it isn't easy to do away with one's blood, I know the eagerness to hear the father's voice but later disappointment will weigh her down, military is also a no for me dear

Yeah, you’re right

Hahaha 😀 omo, I dread that career oo. I cannot even try it. Who get strength. In fact, I can't accept to marry a man who choose to be a soldier. Ehh...of all career? Never 😂

🤣🤣🤣relax na

That career is something else, families go months without hearing from him and the only thing that keeps them going is the hope that he's okay but not even sure if he really is..

Mm I know right

This was a very interesting read. What caught my eye was the "I went to a military school" part, cause I also did attend a military school, but mine was boarding.

Another interesting part was that all the family became dull during some months and I wanted to find out why. That was a good one.

Ohh that’s nice to hear

Is the no I beg you for me 😂
Aswear, even me too, I dread that career oo but I learnt that ladies don't go to war naw

Whether war or not, I beg you🤣

being a soldier is an exemplary career, too bad that the reality of its recognition in many countries is not worth it


However, I really don’t think I’m brave enough to go through the training and the worse part,

I wanted to hit the nail but thank God you said it yourself 😅

We have jobs we don't really like personally keep up with the good work

It's never easy having a relative in the force, there's always this lingering fear. God protect all the soldiers out there.