Gifts Make Me Giddy With Excitement...

in HiveGhana3 days ago

This is me, smiling.
I suppose smiling is part of my default setting as I find myself doing that a lot of times. I smile for a lot of reasons. I smile when I see some random cute couple all loved up. I smile when I get home to the aromatic smell of delicious food in the air.
Waking up the next day and knowing very well, its my off day, no stress and zero drama that can only be associated to work, yeah I smile.

Getting compliments from friends makes my smile even more defined.

Do you know what gives me a wider smile that turns into ear-to-ear grinning, sending waves of uncut excitements, making me wanna jump out my skin and back? gifts! Yes gifts!!

Love is a constant in everyday life but it is expressed with much intensity on special occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas and it is made more popular on Valentine’s Day. I do receive gifts occasionally and also gift friends, family and loved ones when it’s needed.

That being said, the excitement I get with gift cannot be put into words. It is not particularly about “the what” of the gift but the fact that someone thought about me enough to get something for me, it makes the gesture in itself feel more priceless than the item itself.

I got a diary as a gift as a teenager where I kept most of my emotions and it is still with me till date. Not that I still write in it, the pages all full on worn out even, but I keep it for sentimental value.
I treasure both the simple and sophisticated gifts. Enough with my taking a little detour, now back to the present.

14 February
An ordinary day was made not so ordinary as the theme of the day was centred on love. As expected, the city was made colourful as most shops were filled with gift bags, packages and hampers. I felt like a child waiting for a candy knowing very well, my gift was coming.

The package came and unwrapping felt like forever. Finally, the struggle was over, and I saw the items; laptop, perfumes, airpod, about eight different types of footwears, I shrieked like crazy.

I said “thank you, thank you” like a thousand times and over. I loved everything I received that day, honestly, it was the many gifts I had received in one package. *My laptop had broken down and I was “laptopless” for some time. You can imagine how I felt getting a replacement for it. I am also a shoe lover so the footwears climaxed my excitement." The village girl in me came to play, I had to make a run to the mall for a few items and I wore one of the shoes😁.

I don't normally do this but I made a short video of the shoes and laptop lol.
*** I am going to share screenshots from the video.***

It was the best moment ever!


You must be the luckiest girl to have all this to yourself on a day of love. Whoever did this must truly be in love with you, and I guess you really like them too. You are more than a model. Thanks for sharing this beauty, @adjapomah-i . Keep hiving.

Yes he's a treasure 🙈 and has a special place in my heart too🙈🙈🙈🙈. Thanks for the read @mcsamm

Aww, these gifts are so thoughtful, whoever sent them is a gem ❤️


Welcome my dear l could see my foot size in your gifted items.

😁😁😁 if only you are a size 38, maybe, just maybe I may consider gifting you one 🤥

Hmmm...what a disappointment am size 42
Thanks anyway

I strongly doubt if there is anyone out there that does not like being gifted n

That's why gift does not matter how big or small it is, I recalled gifting a bolt tie to my friend, and he thank me so much, and when I find out about the awesome excitement, it was just the facts that I thought about him.

I read this twice and each time I smiled so wide. Ey am I a tree?🥹