in HiveGhana8 months ago

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The world is such a beauty when emotionally-draining factors are lessened, so much so that, we get to experience some level of positivity.

In this instance, love is one of such beauties. The world would have been such a boring place to be if we weren’t having people we can call companions, to share and to make memories with.

There are many factors that make love hold. Having a partner would mean you would have a loved one, companion, a confidante and friend, in whom you walk life with. Influences like effective communication, trust, bonding, dedication, sacrifices, personal touch, are key players to a healthy relationship.

Interestingly, geographical location equally does have a bigger reflection on relationship.

Let’s first look at a relationship where partners live in close proximity. What are the pluses to such relationship?
The biggest advantage here is that, having personal touch would not be much of a challenge as couples can get in touch physically, as and when they want.
Another positive impact to a close proximity relationship is that, it helps to create solid bond between parts. On another note, its easier to get to know your partner well in terms of character, weaknesses and strength. His or her extremes and anything related.

Take note, this being said, it doesn’t mean you would get to know everything about your partner that simple, just because you happen to be closer to each it. It doesn’t work like that. All I’m saying is that, there may be some things you won’t miss, you’d find some key attributes of you partner, good or bad.

How about a long-distance relationship?
Now, distance relationship could be flawed in some ways, if both parties to not put in much work. Let’s look at some of the influences to help hold long distance relationship.
Number one would be trust dedication. Unlike the other type where partners live in close proximity to have more advantage, distance relationship requires trust. Both parties would need to make a choice of not doing anything that would stain the relationship and abide by it.

Next would be effective communication.
Ever heard of the saying, ‘out of side means out of mind”? Well, I do not fully believe in this but it does have some remnant of truth in there. In the sense that, couples who are miles and miles apart only have communication (virtual) as the medium of staying in touch. When the communication is not strong enough, it would cast a shadow on the relationship, partners may be tempted to seek for comfort elsewhere, loosing grasp of the memories of the relationship. In the long run, it could bring the relationship to a sudden end.

For me, both long distance and short distance relationship works. So long as we understand each other, and we both decide to make the relationship hold regardless of us being nearer or far apart.


I think you were trying say out of sight? Or it was truly out of side?

But yeah, I also don’t agree that it’s true, I could use so many examples…but the common one is when we go to school or boarding house, we’re not forgotten by our parents….I think it’s the same…

Yeah thanks, "... Out of sight..." Is what I meant to type. Oversight
Yes you have a point, but you see, our parents are our forever loves. Even when they don't hear from us, regardless of how long, thier love never waver.

But in man-woman relationship, especially distance, it takes intentional effort and understanding.
Regardless, long distance works so does close proximity. Either way, efforts have to be made.

Out of sight is out of mind
It's difficult to keep in mind what or who you ain't seeing everyday.
Except a mother's love for her kids,that a bit different because there's only one mom/dad you could ever have,but a man/woman can easily be replace in a relationship when there's someone new doing all d good stuff a partner could do@abenad truthfully there are a lots of things that can distract people

A well constructed description of relationship is not a barrier💯


For me, both long distance and short distance relationship works. So long as we understand each other, and we both decide to make the relationship hold regardless of us being nearer or far apart.

I partially agree because long distance relationship most times do not really work out unless the parties involve work more harder.