Urbanisation and Forest Depletion

in HiveGhana2 days ago

It is really amazing how cities are populated and how it still gets congested with each passing moment.

Driving factors such as industrialization creating massive job avenues, better health care needs, good education among others are key players in urbanisation.

Question is? How do the vast populace survive in terms of habitat? As the influx of people keeps rising, there is undue pressure on the limited resources available for settlements.

It will interest you to know that, aside the cluster and slum-build up, people are now making structures on open gutters as their places of habitat. Sad. I do not want to go into the health implications associated with this.

Now my focus is on forest depletion.
The more populated the cities get, the more space is required for settlement. Forest are cleared for both domestic and commercial structures.

Effects Of Forest Depletion
*Climate change
Forest depletion plays a major role in climate change and global warming as forest regulates weather patterns and maintains stable climate. Cutting down trees in extreme volumes leads to more extreme temperature swings that can harm humans, animals and wildlife.

Lots of species of some animals have gone extinct due to the falling of trees on a wide scale.

Additionally, water bodies are destroyed, flooding is a common occurrence, soil erosion is on the loose and a host of other effects on livelihood and on the environment.

As I stepped unto the balcony today, seeing patches of forest from the nearby surroundings, I couldn't help but to wonder how that same place would look like in 5 years to come. Construction was already underway in that vicinity.

All I could say was; "God help us all" as we do not have the habit of replacing fell tress.

All Images Are Mine


Thanks for sharing

But it's interesting to see the happiness that exist in these places.