Talking about the reason why fathers don't always like their daughters’ boyfriends on their first meeting but get friendlier with time.
As a man that will have a daughter one day. It's my role as a father to be protective of my daughter and also to my loved one. I need to love and care deeply about my daughter. I want her to grow up to date and get married to the right person.
However, one of the reason why the father always dislikes the daughter of his boyfriend on their first meeting is the fear of young boys of nowadays. Looking at the society that we are in, woman are mostly being considered as soft-hearted person and this believe always make a lot of man want to take advantage of them, because they mostly see a soft-hearted person as a person who doesn't know how to say no.
Also, a soft-hearted person is considered as a person who sees the best in any man, even if the man is harmful. It's now my right as a father to protect my daughter. Even if the boy is good, I still need to be worried and protective.
In addition to the reason, it's not that most fathers actually wish to hate their daughter's boyfriend on the first day or even assume that the boyfriend is a bad person. But as we all know, young boys of nowadays, are like wolves in sheep's clothing. They appear good outside but some of them have bad intention.
This young boys have a lot of bad plans that they engage in towards girls. Some of the young boys are after the girl's property, while some are after the girl's body (they're called gamer's), some are there to distract her from achieving her goal, while some of the boys are theirs for true love. It's my role as a father to detect the deception one's. To avoid any pain or hurt that could happen to my daughter, because any pain to her will surely bring tears to my eyes.
However, my first meeting with my daughter's boyfriend will definitely involve some apprehension towards him because I am trying to ensure my daughter's well-being, joy and her happiness.
In addition, as a father, it's always advisable to set a boundary as a way to test daughter's boyfriend to see how he will reacts and interacts. This can be also a way to give my daughter the very best.
However, I will be very careful to look at his behavior and intentions towards my daughter. Any shortcomings for him might cause heartbreak or harm to my daughter. If my initial thoughts towards him are not true, because I sense genuine intention and positive qualities in him. I will show my soft attitude towards him.
Thanks for your time on my blog!
Especially if on the first meeting the boy presents himself in a way that is not pleasing. If I'm a father meeting my daughter's boyfriend for the first time and I see an unruly behavior in him, God help that boy
That's the end of the relationship. Thanks for stopping by bro
Nice write-up. Keep it up
As a father, it's important to be vigilant and protect your daughter from potential harm or deception, regardless of the intentions of the boys she encounters.
I enjoyed every bit of the write up
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It's good that you do not intend to interfere with your daughter's boyfriend :) Knowing the boundaries will keep a good relationship between you and your daughter.
Yes. Not keeping the boundary can causes me to be overprotective and this can be dangerous as well. That what I thought
Some parents cross that line, but it's good that you are aware and you wouldn't overstep it.
Tell it all
Young boys and wolf in sheep clothing
That’s like 5 and 6
And sometimes you might experience a mean side of your girlfriend’s dad because of what her previous boyfriend did to her.
Yes dear. And people do think is jealousy but I see it as a protection.
Just that I didn't support overprotection.
Thanks for stopping by.
Even if a boyfriend appears to be a good guy at first, fathers feel compelled to be wary of the hidden intentions that some young men have. Setting boundaries with the daughter's boyfriend serves as both a protective measure and a way to assess his regard for her and the family. Finally, a father's judgment of a boyfriend is based on his observed behavior and intentions toward his daughter, to avoid potential heartbreak or harm.Thanks for sharing