It can only get better.Keep and kill that Fear now

in HiveGhana8 months ago

Hello, good evening! Have you ever felt like the world is against you? Do you ever think that your best isn't enough? Let me share a valuable lesson that I've learned over the years. Life doesn't always turn out the way we want it to, but the best way to improve is by persistently working towards our goals without complaining. I used to lack confidence, especially when it came to presenting to others. I always felt like I couldn't do it, until I challenged myself to overcome this fear.

This fight that I had with myself has proven to be worth it as it has shaped me into the person I am today. I've had the opportunity to work with an organization that trains individuals in small business management. The fear within me was hindering my dream until I realized that I had the capability to do everything I set my mind to.

At the start, I had a hard time due to shyness, which caused me to fumble frequently. However, with persistent effort and motivation from my bosses, I have conquered this fear. Now, I get paid for every service out there. Some years back this was killing me, praying that would have a job but the job was right inside me.

If we don't kill our fears today, our fears will kill us tomorrow.
It was great I knew it was not going to be easy but once I set my mind to do it, I would be better someday.


The fact that anyone is capable of whatever he sets his gaze on as far as he or she is determined is indubitable. I admire you zeal and courage @awuahbenjamin, it was nice coming across this motivating post of yours

It’s amazing to hear you that you conquered you fears of presenting
And it’s funny how something you were shy of doing someways back is now something you get paid for doing

Just amazing dear