Morality; The Basis of Life

in HiveGhana2 years ago

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One big mistake we are making as humans is uprooting the basis of human life, morality, and in so doing, causing so great harm.

Most of the time, we evaluate matters by taking out of it the aspect of morality, and once we do that, we get it all wrong.
What even is morality, and where does it come from?

Morality is the principle concerning the distinction between right and wrong; an acceptable code of conduct
It is viewed as something above human nature.
For its establishment, it points to a higher person above human nature, a supreme, holy, all-powerful being.

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God established morality.
When God created the universe, He gave rules on how we should live, that aside He instilled in us a conscience that pricks us anytime we do things out of order and morality.

But as human as we are, we desire to do evil and stray aside from morality because that's what our feelings tell us to do and we lose self-control
We indulge in all sorts of wicked activities, causing destruction to people and even ourselves.


Look at our world today, all sorts of murder and evil going on because we have decided to give in to our feelings when it goes against our morality and even our conscience.
You would agree with me that, morality does nothing but protects us, directs us, and helps us live peacefully in the long run but instead of us to view it that way, we see it as some sort of chain and bond.

In our quest to break free from it, it costs us our peace, freedom, and even lives
Oh if we would go back to our basis,
If we would realize that being moral is more of a blessing than a curse
Life would be so much peaceful and safe.


Thanks for sharing your perspective on morality. When you study ethics, you will learn about morality as something that can be subjective; which means people have their own way of determining what is right or what is wrong. In the context of how you defined morailtiy as a distinction between right and wrong, I believe it is something most people will generally accept. What is right can't be called wrong and what is wrong can't also be called right. Sadly in today's society where pervasity now abounds it's sometime the opposite, something which is wrong can even be called right.

Thank You for adding your voice

Yes, i agree with you. Being moral is more of a blessing than a curse
