it’s a fact that we have all had sweats on our body before. Did you ask yourself why you sweat ??? I’m general sweating is a good physiological response for the human body. Water is stored in the middle layers of the skin but when the body heats up extensively or there is a lot of heat in the body the water which is stored in the middle layers of the skin is forced to come to the surface of the skin as sweat. The sweat on the surface of the skin then evaporates and the temperature of the body is cooled down.
Imagine swallowing food without saliva. I guess you can tell it will be a hell of an experience. Yes water is used for the production of saliva which helps in the easy movements of food particles from the mouth to all stages of digestion. Water helps maintain the pH of the stomach. When you are dehydrated the stomach will become acidic. Additional water together with digestive enzymes break food nutrients down to enable the body systems to absorb them easily.
Staying constantly hydrated can be a very easy but important thing to keep your skin beautiful and healthy. Staying dehydrated causes your skin to be susceptible to a variety of skin conditions including acne and premature wrinkling.
From our basic science we all know that the Kidney is responsible for the regulation of fluids in the body. In a situation where there is insufficient water in the system the kidney is likely to develop conditions such as kidney stones which can lead to a whole lot of problems with the human body.
Thanks for reading this article and remember to stay hydrated.From the above information given I am convinced that all of us will agree with me that we need to stay hydrated at all times because the benefits of drinking water are enormous. In fact I feel water is underrated😂 and WATER IS LIFE is an understatement. Before I end this I will like to state that you can get these benefits if you are drinking hygienic water. That is why I’m so happy with the initiate of @hive.ghana @mcsamm @theycallmedan to give ghananain communities portable water to have a healthy life.