Maturity is a mindset, not age! Here are 13 signs you're MATURE.

in HiveGhana9 days ago

People(especially we Africans) often see maturity as something that is attained with age...

Now this notion may not be entirely false, but it isn't completely true either.

I can't speak for you, but I've come across my fair share of immature old men, and matured young men(even matured teens)

Today, I'll shed some light on the signs that makes you matured...irrespective of your age.

let's go

  1. You understand life is cool and more better when people know less about you.
  2. You learn to accept consistency and discipline not just motivation and self-help books.
  3. You understand your mental health matters way more than any relationship.
  4. You let people win arguments on purpose to conserve your mental health.
  5. You’ve forgiven your parents and love them for who they are
  6. You've trained your mind to master your feelings and control your ego
  7. It has become 10x more easier to outgrow your lazy and unambitious friends
  8. You don't force your beliefs on people. You understand not everyone think the same way you do
  9. You learn but never take advice from people who are not where you want to be in life
  10. You never force anyone to choose you. Instead, you let people do whatever pleases them.
  11. You understand no one owes you anything. You play to win your own battles.
  12. You've realized that you are not responsible for other people’s happiness. You do you
  13. You don't allow pain to destroy you. Instead, you build strength from the pain.

These are only but a few. Feel free to add yours.

How many of these signs do you exhibit?

Or...which younger person have you seen display some of these signs?

P.S: This doesn't mean you disrespect older people because you think they're immature...My hand no dey