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RE: My Recipe for Success

in HiveGhanalast year

Very interesting and accurate thoughts in your post Nora. There is a lot of what you say which resonates with my own idea of success. The key line which made this entire post sing for me is this one,

A successful person, therefore, is someone who feels they have agency over their life.

That agency is so important. And most of us, me included, have never really had that carefree agency in our life. What would that feeling be if we ever managed it. I am almost scared to think about it in fear of jinxing it .

Thank you for writing your thoughts on success which made me think of the same. Thank you for giving me ideas on how I could probably look at it. Wish you the very best in getting the success you desire, from one #dreemerforlife to another.


I appreciate your lovely comment Mr. Thanks for coming around.