in HiveGhana11 months ago



"Gratitude is a must!" That's the phrase I always heard from my mother during my childhood years.

Silly me used to think it was no big deal. She would say "thank you" to everyone even for the littlest things.

I soon understood as an adult that it's a selfish world out here, and people only look out for themselves.

I don't blame them though, some people don't even deserve to be helped because they have a sense of entitlement. People are so brazen to the extent that they would complain about someone giving them something little, especially celebrities.

These people worked hard for their money, and if they prefer not to do handouts, it's very okay. If you want to call shots on money, work for yours and appropriate it however you deem fit.

Gratitude shouldn't only be in play on financial matters, some people impart knowledge that is better than money in one's life. Let's be grateful for that too. Some people just want to get money that they didn't work for, they would rather skip lectures that would better their lives and collect miserly money to be on their way. People are selfish, it's cold outside. If you have someone or people being there for you always, appreciate them.

The major thing I'm grateful for at this point in my life is family and friends. I've had my friends and family turn up for me when I was in bad spots, and I'm always doing the same for them cause I appreciate and value their contribution in my life too. I don't take the presence of my brother, sister, mother, children, and my only friend in my life for granted cause they pull up whenever I call. I consider myself lucky to have them cause very few people would stick out their necks for other people. The people that surround me have always made the highlights of my years for a long time and I'm filled with gratitude to have them.

Everytime I'm in a mess, helpless or in a bad situation, all I have to do is call family and they would pull up for me. I'm that way too, and seeing how rotten the world has become, I don't take family for granted.

I always have a shoulder to cry on in family, armies to fight my battles in them too and most importantly, support in everything I do in my presence and absence.

Everytime I read or come across stories of people who were betrayed or let down by their family, I can't help but be grateful for the kind of family I have.



That being said, whenever you have someone or people rooting for you, remember the quote, "Gratitude is a must!" It's not easy out there.



Gratitude is indeed a must
I also really begin to have sense of gratitude towards my family anytime I hear that the family of others betrayed them…

It’s really nice you have such a supportive family also there for you in times of need.
We’re all grateful for their lives