Another Milestone, Another Step Forward

in HiveGhana4 days ago

In many secondary schools across the country, access to clean, reliable water is a huge challenge for students. This was no different for students of Kofi Agyei Senior High School, as well as the wider Bampenase community. There was a water source in the school but it was erratic and not reliable source to meet the needs of the entire students. As a result, students and staff had to go through lots of frustration and affecrs their activities, hygiene, and well-being.

When we heard about the water challenges in Bempanase we thought it would be best to cite the next borehole in the community. After several consultation with community leaders a decision was made to site the borehole on school grounds, which the community deemed as necessary to help the students whose education is priority.A reliable supply of water is important for a good learning environment and no students should have to struggle for such a basic human right.

This mechanized borehole would serve more than 2000 students, teachers in the school and residents around the shcool.
After achieving success with drilling and other works, the project was made ready to be unveiled would required an official launch. The event was indeed beautiful and with the atmosphere charged with excitement, as the students did cultural dance performances, recited poems and more, sharing their joy and thankfulness in the most genuine way possible.

The school’s headmaster could not contain his gratitude. He described all the challenges the students had been facing during this period, and he explained how much the students' lives would change all thanks to the Hive Ecosystem for reaching out. With a regular supply of water students could dedicate themselves to their education without constantly being concerned about how water shortages would ruin their day.

Beyond the launch is always an opportunity to expose a large number of peoole to blockchain technology and this was accordingly. For many of them, Web3 was just new concept but through this initiative, they witnessed firsthand how a blockchain-based community like Hive can make real difference. The blockchain is not only a financial instrument, it can be also a social catalyst to change the world and make an impact in our lives.









Seeing people connect those dots of tech and real-life solutions was a truly inspiring moment. This borehole is something special our 20th successful project of this type. They are not just possible new sources of water, but an amazing step forward, a source of hope and an example of positive change that can be created by blockchain technology. And we are far from done. Going forward we hope to be able to expand this initiative in many areas so as to make clean water accessible to even more people.





















None of this would have been possible without the constant support we have receivedform the Hive ecosystem. Today we are proud about the milestone achieved and how through this transformational action many have experienced relief and hope. A huge thank you to all who has rally behind our efforts and has supported us to this project what it is today. We are not just drilling boreholes but demonstrating that how technology can create lasting impact in our world. We're just getting started, and can't wait for many more milestones to come.

Project : Construction of borehole

Location : Bampenase, Ghana, West Africa

Sponsor : @valueplan

Project manager : @mcsamm & @collinz


This is the 20th borehole 🔥🔥🔥
It makes me so happy that hive is impacting so many lives and creating so many smiles.

Thansk from your kind words and support, Hive is changing lives!😊

Hive to the world!

Thanks for the support you give always, dear @abenad.

It’s always a pleasure

 4 days ago (edited) 

Thanks @abenad

Great work indeed, the radiant smiles on their faces shows how grateful they are.

I am quickly reminded of my primary school days. How my classmates and I go to fetch water from a distant oil company for our teachers. Most time by the time we are getting back, we are so exhausted that listening to our teacher teach becomes of no interest. This is such an act of good will that can never be forgotten. Again, I say, well done team 🌹