I never had any intention of becoming a blogger. Honestly, I was really hesitant for a long time because writing wasnt my thing. I’m not particularly good at writing in English, and I feared about how those who read anything I share here say, how they would judge my ability. But then I saw other people do it, blog regularly, share their ideas and develop along the way.
That’s when I decided, if they can do it, so can I and I did, I started blogging like no one’s business. One of the most costly mistakes people make is waiting for things to be perfect. They want their writing to be perfect, their ideas to be groundbreaking and their confidence to be at 100% before they publish their first post or content. But guess what? That moment never comes. If I’d waited until I felt “ready,” I’d still be right back at square one.
Keep in mind that blogging or content creation of any kind is all about showing up, not about perfect. Write your heart out and you will become better and better. Your first posts probably won’t be great; with time, you’ll start to find your voice and your space. And that’s far more important than perfect grammar or fancy words.
I have seen a lot of talented people quit blogging just because they were not getting instant results. They post once, and when no one gives them the attention and they stop. But one thing is true, success in blogging and anything in life comes takes consistency. when I started writing i made up my mind I was going to continue writing, no matter the situation.
There were days my posts did not perform. On other days, I could barely conjure up words and put them together. But I kept going. And with this, I started noticing progress, more engagement, better writing skills and most importantly, the confidence in myself
I realised that one of the biggest fears that most have when they are starting is the fear of judgment. What if i dont the audience for what i publish? "What if I make mistakes?" Here’s the thing: most people are too caught up in their own lives to sit and criticize you. People actually respect those who turn up, and do so repetitively and keep getting better. So never mind what other people think, and just express yourself.
Blog with the attitude of ‘there are no readers yet’, and soon enough there will be readers but this time around, readers will be readind and admiring what you’ve done. There were times when I wanted to give up. But each time I fought through it, I got stronger. Today this blogging that i never wanted to start has provided me so much opportunities I could never have imagined.
It has introduced me to amazing people, made me a better communicator and even opened given me an exposure within the crypto and Hive community. So for those who are considering of starting or if you’ve started but feel like giving up don’t. Blog like no one’s business. Write about what you can, share and learn and grow. One day you’ll look back and be proud of how far you’ve come. Because the only way to fail at blogging is to give up.
Is all about showing up every day, writing what is in your heart and learn, you see yourself doing it