The unplanned discussion about purposes arose at my work place recently, which really fascinated me. It was of such relevance that it put me right in the middle as I shared my insights and experiences with my colleagues. Finding your purpose is way more important than finding just a job. Whereas a job may pay the bills, work is the labor of love combined with a sense of mission.
Most people cling to jobs that totally deplete them and make them feel unsatisfied, due to a lack of realization of life's purpose. Purpose is the reason for your being, why you exist and the reason you get up every morning. If I were to ask you, 'Why do you think you were born?' or 'What is the purpose of your life here on Earth?', what would your answer be? Unfortunately, too many people have never found the answer to this important question.
No one lives without a certain sense of purpose, and is the really dangerous to exist without knowing the reason why you exist. This is because whenever a purpose of a thing is unknown it is easily either neglected or abused. The bottom line is to take some time out and know why you exist. You do not just exist; there has to be something certain that must have brought you into this world. If you have no idea of your purpose, I would share with you a few strategies that will be efficient in helping you find it.
First, consider what you are passionate about. Are there activities you find pleasure in or satisfaction from? There may be things you easily do and whether you're financially rewarded or not you still find so much joy in doing them and it can often be a major indicator of your purpose. Consider your skills and talents. Is there something you are particularly good at, even more so than most individuals? These unique abilities often reveal purpose by unconcealing what someone is naturally good at and what naturally fulfills them.
Also, consider what you have to offer the world. A sense of your purpose might come from considering how you can contribute something of value to the world. Doing things that reflect your values may lighten the way through your career, hobbies, or volunteer work. If you do not know your purpose yet, begin with the following soem of things i have shared easily. Give yourself time to find your passion, your talents, and what you intend to do. You will, by so doing, get closer to the 'why' you were created and what you are to do in this world during life. It is not just a personal journey that needs to take place; finding purpose is quite an essential part of living a full life.
This is so me most of the time... I took a pause, a moment to think about what is truly my purpose. Thank you for your words.
My pleasure, thanks for stopping by.:)
Knowing why you exist is one way to know what to go after and what not to go after. You find a direction when you know why you exist.
Exactly, thanks for the wonderful addition my friend :)