The basic resources we need are taken for granted (food and especially water). We’ve become so accustomed to it on a daily basis and normally do not stopped to consider how vital it is especially by those who easily get them. Just think for a moment how many times we waste water during a wash without second thought.
We leave the tap on while brushing our teeth, spend too long in the shower, ignore leaky faucets for weeks, toss half-full bottles of water without a second thought. Restaurants present glasses of water that remain untouched by customers, and cracked pipes leak thousands of liters before they are repaired. Cars are washed with hoses running, industries discharge huge quantities of wastewater.
Approximately 60% of our bodies is water, an essential for our survival and a foundation of our health. We often place less value on it due to their abundance in our world when in fact it’s as valuable as gold, you will appreciate this more should you travel places where people experience water cirsis.
In the UK, when I showed a video about the water project in Ghana, most of my friends were surprised about the challenges people face with water. The video highlighted the battle for clean water in communities that had gone too long without it, not because there was a lack of water, but because of poor management and inadequate infrastructure to access water.
Only when they experienced this reality did they realize just how much they had taken access to water for granted. In countries like the UK, water pours from every tap, clean drinking water a twist of the faucet away. But its value often is not appreciated because it is so literally at hand.
In many places where we have drilled the boreholes there large quantities of water beneath the surface. If so why the water challenges? The issue is not scarcity, it is inadequate infrastructure and management. Thanks to help from Hive, we have been able to bring clean water to more than 13,000 people in communities that had been facing challenges with water scarcity for years.
But this wasn’t some ordinary well-digging project. We didn’t just make a hole and walk away. We hired drillers and surveyors to make sure the water was tapped properly and flowed freely, so those who really needed it the most coupd have it ins large supply or quantities.

Not just critical to survival, water is a foundation of health, education and community development. Without it, children cannot go to school as in some communities they spend hours walking to fetch water. Hospitals fail to maintain hygiene, which poses a risk of disease. Farmers struggle to irrigate their crops, leading to food shortages and economic hardship.
Imagine the transformation when clean water is finally accessible. It’s like gold, it has the power to change lives in ways we don’t often realize. Through Hive’s efforts, we’ve been able to make clean water available free of charge to several communities, more like given liquid gold. This project is proof that investing in essential projects is necessary as they go a long way to transform many lives.

Water brings better health, economic opportunities and the hope of a better future. Water truly is liquid gold. It lies under our feet, but we have to make good use of it. It’s an asset that, like gold, must be managed, valued for what it adds. And thanks to Hive’s effort, communities that once learned to live with water scarcity now hold this precious resource and with it, new hope. And the water flows, with the possibility of it all.
Great content! Thanks for sharing it on Hive.
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Alright, thanks for the information, will check it out
This is so wonderful.
I think you're so right. It's so easy to take it for granted. I try to be careful with water (as that's how I was raised: to not waste water) but I know I could be far more grateful for this life-giving stuff.
Thanks for the reminder, Collin.
You were raised well and to be grateful for this natural resource we have in abundance yet more valuable is good thing. Glad you stopped by, thank you
Wow that's I really interesting my brother for sharing a good content creation, and this idea will happen to go a long way to humanity as well. More grace sir on hive