The Endless Pursuit: When Will We Say 'Enough'?"

in HiveGhana4 months ago (edited)

The post title is one of those questions I've asked often. It's as though we, in our modern world of consumerism, are running after something without knowing exactly when it will stop especially in the case of money. They tell us from almost birth that success is about getting more: a big paycheck, a large house, and a better car. But if we get those things, then do we stop? No. We want more, and we want more. It's that kind of thirst that's never satisfied,humans are quite insatiable, we always crave for more.

Take a look at the world around you: the people who seemingly have everything, wealth and status and power and they are still grinding, still pursuing the next level. To put it another way: at what time in our life is it that we do stop and say, "I am good; this is enough?" The answer is, it never does for lots of people. It is as though our brains have been wired to think that more money brings more happiness. In reality, does it? NO it doesn't.

There are people who are very content with what they have and do not seem to have this "not enough" thirst. They have what they think it's ok for them, but not lots, because they understand something deeper in life. They are content with every little thing they have, they care less whether they have more or less. They live a happy life because they have what they need, and for them, that is enough.

But for so many of us, even after we achieve what we once thought would satisfy us, it doesn't. The excitement of getting that raise, landing that deal, buying that car, it's over in an instant. The high stops, and then what? You're left with the same longing "If only I get just a little bit more…" And more money doesn't fill the void. It's a vicious cycle of chasing something that at its very core is not even real fulfillment.

We have reliably spent so much time being demonstrative concerning the next accomplishment, the next objective, that we have forgotten the very embodiment of living, being present, appreciating what we already have, and realizing when it is enough. Majority of us never take a moment to appreciate just that moment that we're in, or even things we already possess. Happiness and true satfisfaction is about understanding that true contentment is something inner.

That the amount of things is not what counts but the depth of appreciation for the blessings that come your way. Life is short. One day, the chase will end, and we shall turn back and gaze at all of the time used running after something which, in the big picture of things, doesn't matter one whit. As we come to the end of days, may it not be the money, or possession, or accolades that shall bring peace but the understanding that all along we had enough. Perhaps true affluence is the realization that what we currently have is enough. And perhaps just perhaps is where true happiness begins.


Definitely a vicious cycle in which we keep chasing an elusive something that never really materializes. We'll rather live in the past or future than just being in the present!

Sadly that's the situation, humans never get satisfied

You have touched on a very important aspect of our life to ponder about. I always hear people saying, they are working for early retirement but the truth is that, majority of them won't retire at the end they said they will retire even if they have achieved the wealth they needed for the retirement

That's a good point you've made and It’s true that even when people reach their financial goals, many keep working because it's hard to step away. Sometimes they become paranoid that they could lose it all more like fear of the unknown or sometimes they keep working just to stay busy. There could be several other reasons but i think ithey all come down to the fact that humans are insatiable beings.

Humans are insatiable, even after we get what we want we would always want more.