Wonders of Nature

in HiveGhana7 months ago (edited)

There is something about nature, it's full of amazing uniqueness. Whether it's plants, mountains, or rivers, you can see that each one has its distinct features that makes them stand out. They all have a special way of showing their character. when you look at the blue sky for example, it displays a calm beauty and keep changing colours at different times. The sea to me is always proud when you look at it.

It moves proudly with its rolling waves, going back and forth, this is showing off its power. Plants especially can grow tall and strong, and show forth it's strength in their wide branches and deep roots. When you go the forest or to the woods huge trees that stands tall show you their great height and tell you their strength and endurance.

I really admire nature for how they craft their own beauty and their hidden secrets that are not obvious to everyone. Most plants, for example, hold powerful medicinal contents capable of curing many illnesses. It's a secret nature keeps and knowing about natural remedies are often known only to those who study and understand them deeply.

Nature is like a treasure chest of wonders and healing. Its visible beauty is apparent to all who look, but with their deeper secrets it's always about those who dedicate time to explore that discover them. Embracing nature helps us to connect with its richness and the hidden benefits it can provide.


Definitely so! I think its deeper secrets is what I'm really curious about exploring, I've heard it's a mystery that only the keen observers understand.

I tell you, there is so much mystery about nature and one's you figure out or make some discoveries about it gives you an edge.

Nature is a beauty of its own, embracing it will open your eyes to its beauty.

 7 months ago (edited) 

I really love how nature craft its own beauty

Being around nature in any form has always brought me a sense of calm I can't find anywhere else. People talk about humans and nature as if they're two separate things, but they always have been and always will be connected.

Yes, agree with the fact that humans and nature are connected. Things like food, water and air we breath all comes from nature and we are in way. Nature there provides us with a sense of calm and wellness