Social media: My worst distractions plus how I deal with its addiction

in HiveGhana3 months ago

Social media: My worst distractions


Hello everyone in the @hiveghana community. It is my pleasure to participate in this week's prompt. As interesting as the topics are, I felt that I should begin with this one before going further into others. I just hope that you will enjoy this entry and learn a lesson from it.

I am ashamed to say this but I just have to say it. Considering my age and disposition, certain things ought to not to lord over me rather I should be the one to be in control of certain attitudes and lifestyles. Not too long ago I saw myself engrossed with some social media platforms chief amongst them is Facebook and recently Tiktok. The most annoying part of the whole matter is that Facebook or let me say social media platforms as a whole has never been my fancy so I hardly spend my time in those places. This was so because I saw it as a total waste of time and resources. I saw those who spend lots of time Facebooking and doing other social media stuff as lazy and jobless. I remember how I scolded a friend of mine for spending lots of time on social media. Oblivious to me that at some point I might be a victim of my revulsion.

I can recall vividly that my fondness for social media began when I started making a little money from it. Guess what! It was not from Facebook or X but from Hive. Hive is a unique social media that pays users for engaging in the platform. I ensured every activity that happened on Hive and I started getting addicted to my phone, such that if I am not on Facebook then I am on Hive. At some point, it became a distraction to me. I hardly read any other stuff with my phone and I began to spend exceeding money on data.


As a result of the above, I decided to try something different to deal with the distraction that was eating me up. I decided to start reading books from either the hard copy or through my laptop. While keeping my phone far from my reach at the moment till I am done. Moreover, I had to uninstall my Facebook and TikTok apps. Doing these meant that no matter what happens I won't have access to those platforms at least for the time being.

Miraculously, my mind began to shift and focus on something productive like writing and doing domestic chores. Truth be told, distractions are real and can hamper you from achieving your goals in life, if you do not deal with them at a young stage.
I thank God because I was able to curtail the distraction through proactive steps.

Thanks for reading.


I can 100% relate to this
Hive has taken me away from a lot of things and in my case I will rather say they are the distractions and I don’t even mind at this point because it came at the right time.

Certainly, I prefer #hive's distraction to other social media distraction... 🤣🤣🤣

A lot of user's that is absence of hive are really missing because is serve as a boredom killer