What makes Adulthood problematic or a challenge.

in HiveGhana11 months ago

Adulthood is the most challenging phase of a person's life. While growing up, there is always a sense of joy as you get to experience a little bit of freedom, despite the difficulties that come along with it.

As a child, I used to think that adulthood would be free of stress because my parents were able to provide for me, and I thought they were the richest people on earth. I never had to worry about anything, and I believed that when I grew up, I would have enough money to pay for everything.

There is a story about a baby pig who asked its mother why her mouth was so big, and the mother pig replied that the baby pig would understand when it grew up. Now that I am an adult, I know that it is not an easy journey, and it is not for everyone.

Adulthood is a challenging phase that comes with a lot of responsibilities such as paying bills, renting a home, buying food, and much more. In our society, the moment we complete our tertiary education, we are considered adults even if we don't have a job. We realize that we have entered adulthood when we start providing for ourselves. At this point, we understand that life is not easy.

The situation becomes even more demanding when we get married. We are expected to have money every single day to cater to our needs. It is at this stage that I realized how hard my parents worked to provide for me and my siblings. I don't blame them for any shortcomings because life is not an easy journey. I am grateful for their effort and support.

As we grow, expenses grow too. We can't skip them, only face them with strength.. Even though adulthood is challenging perhaps we can make good plans to lessen them and make adulthood more enjoyable than we wished when we were young.

It's important to be cautious about our spending habits and what we spend our money on. This can help us enjoy our adult life better. However, if we don't plan properly, we may end up blaming ourselves or our parents for our financial problems. It's essential to remember that blaming others won't solve anything, but it can make our situation worse.

I've made steps to ensure I have the best of life in my adulthood and so you also want. So why don't we pause and reflect on the enjoyable part and take the necessary steps?

Thank you for stopping by.
Enjoy your easter 🎁 holidays


There sure are lots of problems with being an adult, but we scale through it.

Of course we will

As children we wanted to become adults because we never saw the behind the scenes they were doing to provide for us
Now that we’re adults we are the ones behind the scenes doing what it takes to provide for ourselves which is what makes it exhausting

You are right dear