Determination is the key to success

in HiveGhanalast year

“A dream doesn't become reality through magic, it takes sweat, determination and hard work". Collin Powell

A bird without feather is as much as a rat so is a man without dreams is dead, while growing up we all had the dream of becoming great in life, to some it's already becoming reality while to some it's still just a fantasy, except you were born with a silver spoon you'll never know know what real struggling is, even if you were born into wealthy family you still have to make path for yourself.

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Real life struggles hit when you are the youthful age, especially when you're done with first degree academics, that's when your parents believe you should be able to stand on your own, especially if you're a male child, I know this because I experienced it. That's the exact time you have aims and mission for the future, forget “i want to become a doctor”, “i want to become a nurse”, “ I want to become a politician” life is way complicated than that, there's alot to that.

At same point I'll say life is so dynamic, there are people who does not even have wedding in their plans for next 7 years but end up getting married within the twinkle of an eye, while some are so engrossed about getting married at an early age but all effort seems fruitless, that's the fact about life. Today you might find yourself achieving your dreams very soon and later everything starts feeling complicated and confusing, that's when you start feeling inferior.

Inferiority complex is a set back in its own and it is the main reason youth nowadays feels depressed and feels like their dream has failed, lots of great people we have was nowhere to be found in there early life's, lots of stories behind their success, they actually went through ups and downs before achieving their dreams, so life is, nothing good comes so easy, you just have to keep pushing and that's what have been doing.
I believe determination is the key to success even though I have experienced some setback, but I believe as long as I aim and plan for the goals, and setting my place for faith and prayers all mountain shall become valley.

Just last month one of my friends called me about the setbacks he has been experiencing, the guy is actually a tech guy and he has plans for his year, but the recent recession in the economy has really affected him, all he needed that moment is a word of advice to boost his hunger for achieving the goals which I did which I did.
I believe determination is the key to success even though I have experienced some setback, but I believe as long as I aim and plan for the goals, and setting my place for faith and prayers all mountain shall become valley.


All what you have said are all on point , narrow is the way that lead to success .with Strong determination thing can be done

Yes! My brother