Tolerance is a step to progress

in HiveGhanalast year

Tolerance literally means ability to endure hardship but I would love to define it only own words, I'll rather say it's the ability to adapt to a condition we are not used to. It's not necessarily it should be a state of suffering or unfavourable condition because later on we might get used to it.
Someone that works in a company where staffs are not allowed to make calls or use their phone, yeah it's a tolerance but nevertheless it's for their own good, so it's regarded as tolerance until they get used to it.

Generally in life, tolerance is a part of life, it's a part of growth process, although people have different view on tolerance depending on the situation. Truly we might come from difference places with different culture and understanding about life but what makes us compatible is tolerance. Tolerance is not only applicable in work places alone, it's relevant in religion, marriage, society, friendship and all ramifications of life.
In marriage how possibly could marriage work without tolerance, different people from different religions and cultural upbringing might end up getting married and the only thing keeping the marriage in shape is love thingified with tolerance. Infact I would say tolerance is second to none in marriage, that's where we see divorced couples still in love but the marriage is not working due to absence of tolerance.

But nevertheless, there are times where being too tolerant may be of disadvantage, I'll say a tolerant person is similar to an enduring person, no matter what unfavorable conditions the environment might bring they'll always welcome and adapt to it which in some instances I am against, there are times where it's necessary to speak out or else people will actually take you for granted.

Actually tolerance at workplace has it's prons and cons, someone who is still struggling and trying to succeed will actually have to accept all working conditions as long as it's a good paying job. Apart from working conditions, there are some embarrassment and harassment that comes from colleagues and most especially the superior staffs which actually affects men and ladies respectively.

some years ago I once worked in a company as a casual worker (I'll keep the name of the company confidential), where I had to work on shift, it was a very stressful work which was not befitting an educated person, but as at that moment I wanted to go for National Youth Service Corps, so I needed money desperately as I never wanted to bother my parents.
I had to do it despite the odds, there were lot of rules and regulations laid down in the company which is not in any way favourable to shift workers, lot of complaint here and there but no one had the audacity to confront any of the superior staffs.
I actually joined the company and I had to keep to the rules of the company due to how urgently I needed the money, I made sure I followed and obeyed all rules due to what I was looking for. After some month I achieved my aim and I had to quit. Since then I had always try as much as possible to condone tolerance as long as I have aims to achieve.

Like I said earlier, tolerance is a stepping stone to higher places, as long as we have target to attain, tolerance will never be a problem.
