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RE: Going for Love or Money in Marriage?

in HiveGhanalast year

To be happy love and money both is important and without anyone, no one can be happy. Some people try to say that without money just depending on love one can be happy but it's nothing more than bluffing. In the past divorce occurred in rare cases and it's true that at that time true love was mostly found in that time but there was another reason also and it was women were highly dominated and they were afraid of getting divorced because after that It was hard for than to survive in a society. Isn't it?


That's bluffing for anyone who says marriage without money can be fun for them, it's a big lie. Even some times, love or money cannot be the cause of divorce but that the woman wants to dominate and in control which is not possible. Yes, a woman should also be in control but she must understand the fact that husband will always be the head and the respect should be given but most women wouldn't want that.