Controversies of abortion

in HiveGhana9 months ago

The debate on abortion is a controversial issue that has been going on for years. What makes the topic of abortion controversial is peoples point of view , religion, society and norms, beliefs, modernization and even myths. In some countries it has been banned and in other it is legal, Yet morally it is being frowned upon especially in our African societies. Growing up we heard lots of stories and myths circulating around abortion. A whole lot of wonderful stories, one time I heard people used pounded glass for abortions and only God knows how it’s done and also how people bleed to death after an unsafe abortion. As I grew up I realized this are just stories society come up with, other stories were true too. These stories were meant to deter young folk from indulging in activities that would lead to unwanted pregnancy hence abortion. And also because society frowns on it and and considers it morally unfit.


But looking at the whole situation abortion is not that bad, it only needs to be controlled or regulated and done safely. There are a lot of quack doctors out there offering their own ways of abortion and that is when everything goes wrong after the abortion because it was not done the right way
Abortion comes with its own good and bad as well risk

In some special cases or situations such as rape or medical conditions such as ectopic pregnancy it is best to have an abortion and more advisable. Imagine being in a medical condition where your pregnancy is not safe for both you and your child. Would you not rather have an abortion?

Sometimes people get unwanted pregnancy and they know very well they can not take care of the unborn baby or get support from other places . Sometimes I ask myself is it not better have an abortion than to birth a child who you can not take care of because the child will be only born into a life of suffering and will also be a burden, which is not its fault. In the first case if you do not want pregnancy take measures such as contraceptives or don’t concern yourself with sex and abstain. But sometimes too young girls who do not have any idea on sex education fall victims to unwanted pregnancy.


In my view, I do not think getting an Abortion is a bad thing it just has to be regulated and done in situations which it is needed critically, so that people do not abuse the right to get an abortion.

Hope you enjoy my post. Thanks for reading and see you in my next post. Bye bye👋


Yeah I also don’t think it’s a bad thing just that it shouldn’t be a go to solution. It even becomes unhealthy to the mother if it is done continuously.
I realized your image was repeated….it is a mistake ?

Yes I know right.

Anyway the picture wasn’t a mistake I did it on purpose🙂

In my view, I do not think getting an Abortion is a bad thing it just has to be regulated and done in situations which it is needed critically

I second this opinion. It's very valid.

Thank you 🙏
I’m happy to know others see abortion the same way I do 🙂

Abortion is indeed a complex issue influenced by various factors like culture, religion, and myths. It's crucial to regulate it for safety, especially considering the risks associated with unsafe procedures. In certain cases like rape or medical conditions, it may be the best option for the well-being of the mother and child.

It is very true dear. ✅