Since birth I have never attended a single sex school. I’m not sure if it affects my decision of always preferring a mixed school. One of my main reason for not considering a single sex school after Junior high was that I heard a lot of rumors about witchcraft, students scaling walls,homosexuality and a lot more.😂.
In the normal Ghanaian setting it is assumed that boys generally perform better than girls when it comes to academics (times are changing though). In my opinion,Mixed schools foster competition between boys and girls. It makes girl students more confident and competitive with the boys. I personally like to compete boys especially at the top of the class back at junior high and senior high . I always took them as my rivals . I just love the feeling of overtaking boys in class 😂. Makes my head big .
It is believed that in mixed schools especially senior high schools that students often indulge in relationships and gets carried away and loose focus, to some extent it is true, but it happens in single sex schools too maybe just on a smaller scale, As the saying goes “fie bia mensah wom”😂 I hope I had it right .
Considering personal growth, mixed sex has more potential.I can easily interact with the opposite sex without any distractions and being put into tight spots or manipulative situations. Attending a mixed school has made me to express my self better during interactions with both boys and girls. I believe thriving in an environment of mixed sex goes a long way to affect personal growth .There is much exposure to interactions with both same sex and opposite sex fellows and I strongly believe this improves your social skills and prepares you better for the real world. It is more unless like a plus to the social experience of students.
Frankly speaking, in Ghana single sex schools are usually the most disciplined schools., But mixed sex schools are more fun . FYI I’m not saying mixed schools aren’t discipline. There are discipline mixed schools as well. Usually single sex schools have less populations than mixed school so it’s easier and effective to enforce discipline among students. Everything has pros and cons same as single sex schools and mixed sex schools.
In the future I would prefer my kids to attend a mixed school,but I would be open to considering a single sex school .
We live in a society of both men and women so I believe it is best to get education in a similar environment so you get prepared for real world .
That’s for reading and see you in my next post.