Adulthood: phase 3rd,

in HiveGhana11 months ago


life is in phases, and men are in sizes

there is a time for everything, a time to sow and a time to reap, a time to cry and a time to laugh, a time for sun and a time for rain
all these are called events, they are happenings, seasons.

Adulthood is not an event nor a season, an event may repeat itself but adulthood doesn't come twice,
the brand YOLO means (you only live once) life has no rehearsal, so does adulthood.

Life itself is filled with different types of challenges, and challenges doesn't only happens to adults, infact some adults have had it easy, they haven't had the luck to face any worthwhile problem, and in my own selfish way of reasoning I think that's how life should be, but the only place where that type of thinking works is in paradise.

The Adulthood phase is the phase where you should set your life, and to do that you will be challenged, either mentally, spiritually, emotionally, financially or physically or all of the above.

most people only see adults that have financial challenges, because it's a lot easier to know if someone is poor than to know when someone is heartbroken.

fighting poverty has been the major fight of most adults, people only rate you has being stable in life if you have money, even though you have demons living in you

phase 1
As a kid, you demand for what you want, if need be you cry so it could be given to you asap.

phase 2
As a teenager and a youth, if you want something you make requests, though it may take time but you will get what you want when you persist.

phase 3
As an adult, when you want or need something you don't make demands or requests, nobody takes care of you, you work for what you want, or you just forget about wanting what you want.

phase 4
When you get old you don't mostly work, demand or make requests, you are provided for before asking.

which phase do you think is the hardest?

Problems are part of why phase 3rd is called adulthood, because adults solve problems, adulthood' I think is like an extra time given to someone when you miss some certain things or life changing opportunities when you were still a youth, and you have to use your extra time well, decide the game there so no penalties, trust me you don't want to get to the penalty shootout, that's old age, which will then be decided by faith or luck.

adulthood is only better when you realise that you don't chase things anymore, things are now the ones in turn chasing you, chasing things means when all you could think about is owning a car, and things chasing you means you don't need to think before your rent expires or your children school fees becomes due for payment.

Adulthood is war but don't stress it.


Honestly phase 3 won’t even be hard if we had everything we wanted
Because if you have money, then you wouldn’t need to struggle for it.
If you have good health, then you wouldn’t need to visit the hospital.

I concur, I just wish it would be easy

Stage three is hard and one needs to plan well at that stage to have an easier stage four. If not old age might be more difficult.

True talk, planing is crucial at this stage so that you don't get it wrong