My Favourite Memories From My Days in Secondary School

in HiveGhana2 years ago (edited)

It's another beautiful week to participate on the usual fascinating hiveghana weekly prompt, I hope I interest you with my story.



On today's episode, I'm going to be writing about some of my Favourite memories from my secondary school days, so stay tuned as I walk you down the memory lane to some of my life moments that's worth remembering.

It's never for once occurred to me that a time will come when I'll look, remember or miss my secondary school as I do now because back then I never really liked it. I was most time reluctant to go to school, constantly frowning and whining my face in school and always in haste to return home. 😂

With all my tantrums and whining it's so funny that today as I look to remember most of my adolescent memories were from the times I spent within the four walls of the school.


My school was one of the earliest secondary schools in Nigeria, established in 1967. From entrance you'll see a beautiful sculpture portrait of a student standing and by both side of the drive way were trees carefully position that blows cool breeze to passers-by, entering the school is a modern auditorium where we usually hold special occasions, the auditorium was constructed by the old students association and commissioned by Pastor Oyedepo (The founder and general overseer of The Winners Chapel Worldwide).

After the auditorium by the left hand is a standard size football feed with a well structured spectators stand. By the left hand is the administrative offices and directly in front of entrance is a large open space where we used to gather every morning for the principal admonitions.

Our classrooms are built in chalets and each chalet consist of three classes. Inside the classrooms we have a very large blackboard as well as notice board where we pin our creative works and art. I can still feel the collywobbles we usually have during promotions from moving from an old class to a new one.

We had a big canteen that looks like a colosseum I feel it was a facilities initially built for table tennis players or so. Not a place in the handball or volleyball court that we didn't explore as we glide around like bees especially during break time.


It's now exposed to me that my school was a work of art. A complete institute even though I was naive back then and never liked to stay around after closing hours😂😂😂.

My school was a One gender school too. Mainly boys extremely playful, brilliant and you know very very tough guys. We had some characters that I never quite see ever since I left the school like Oluigbos*(King of the bush) 😂 these guys never attend lessons because 70% of their time they spent roaming the neighbouring bush that there's no creature around our school that this guys has not seen.

We are always full of energy and so many happenings all around, fighting, games, sports: and on this, Inter house sport is our biggest annual event too. This is a period of track events and a time students get the opportunity to showcase some extra curricular skills. Just like Olympic it's always a colourful event.

When it comes to academics I can say we have the best of brains in charge. Our teachers are very knowledgeable and disciplined and yes we have two military men (soldiers) that are assigned with disciplinary actions🙄. Once you manage to find yourself charged with indiscipline either by making noise in the academic environment or what a view just say the lords prayer because your buttocks will never remain the same😂

Wow! Really interesting time back then but then it's a post and I'll like to make it be as brief as possible. So it's an interesting topic from hiveghana because apart from the good and funny memories I'm presently typing this with a big grain on my face😁😁😁

Finally, remembering my school days gives me goosebumps right now and this has really made my day as I'm able to recall lots of good memories even things I never seems to have acknowledged while I was a student of the school.

Thank you hiveghana once again and thank you for reading my content. I hope it interest you, kindly drop comment below and click on follow button if you like my content so as not to miss on more quality content.

Picture used is mine, captured with my Samsung s9.