This generations which we are in is controlled by social media mostly and a lot of friendships we met today started online yeah digital life have taken over our activities even from the point of communication to the extent of workflow. Internet and digital life have gain a lot of ground in influencing individual lifestyle the way we behave most especially our communication with others, it have in one way or the other improve and contributed to the growth of communication among the society. Thinking about back in those days where you have to write a letter sent it across wait for it to get to the receiver before the receiver will also write a letter send it across to you and we can take a lot of time for this process occur and I'm the information to be passed and receive feedback however with the generation a digital one information and communication is made easy and effectively.
Most persons do not vibe to the online communication they prefer a face-to-face talk where you can actually see look into the person's eyes and know that whether the person is actually telling you the truth or not when he or she is serious and all that yeah but then considering time Factor and distance a lot of people will choose to do their communication over the internet, digital life have made it easier that you can communicate with someone who is in UK, US, Austria from Nigeria at is and that does not need you to go close to the person now face-to-face talk so I believe or I think that digital life or digital style of communication is best for me.
Just for me I'm not a type of person that have much friends around but then I like to vibe with my friends online, I am an online charter who is active online but can barely talk face-to-face yes, it is just that way I don't know why, but you will enjoy my company will chat on over down face to face because I don't like talking much with mouth but I can do my talking by putting them in chat and writing them yeah I'm a good writer so that maybe why. I have a lot of friends on discord "City Of Neoxian" to be specific. I don't think there's no one in city that don't know mayor or because of her active I am but I can't say for sure when he gets to face-to-face talk if I can buy like that although I do but you can't compare my online activeness with face-to-face talk, I think I can maintain a maintain a good friendship vibes online
Thanks for stopping by and reading my blog
Face to face can be a lot sometimes but I hope you are not so used to texting to the extent of shying away from people.
Yep, individual differences tho
There's a need for a balance otherwise we become like zombies on the phone 🤣👍
Exactly 😂💯
🤣🤣🤣 yes.... Will be waiting for the Discord Link for Hive Ghana
just got the Link for another friend thanks 💯❤️
Do you mind sharing a link to Hive Ghana discord
I will do that right away
thank you so much