Back then in school elementary school to be precise we always have this one teacher that is always in our black book most especially to those who did science. All those many people who did at also have such but let me say because I did science and I have a lot of friends who did science and get to know that they have more teachers in their blacklist or black book who must have offended them one way or the other or do something that don't like or accept however we giving the age of tender didn't remember that we really want something from this lecturer and not them wanting anything from us but the age which we are then we're actually influencing us without giving us the opportunity to think about because sequences of hating a lecturer or a teacher. More especially when you hate your lecturer or your teacher you get to not assimilating or understanding what he or she is teaching, it is just a natural phenomenon. Indeed everybody wants have this teacher who enters their blacklist it may not stay for a long time but then we have this lecturer or teacher who will have this bad intention of bad feelings over thinking they hate us or probably they may get us.
Growing up as a kid then in secondary school especially I was so brilliant so I was a fan of every lecturer and teachers then they wanted me to be their school son both our man and female teachers. However just like it is inevitable we have this one teacher who will always fall into our black book. He was actually a copper then who was sent to my school to teach during his service he was from northern part of Nigeria but was sent to East. That was during my SS1 when we offering general subjects, it happens to be teaching GOVERNMENT and right from time I never wanted to be an Art student, So this made me not to be putting more effort in art courses, there was a day he gave assignment and I have an assignment already from my chemistry and physics teacher so I have to finish up with those two and I can remember someone with biology so very early morning when I came to school that was the first thing this government teacher have to ask us for and I was not able to do his because of lack of interest actually so I was the first person this teachers are there flogging and after flogging me he stopped and never flock other students I was so pain and from that day I hated that teacher, because how will you flog me and leave others even when I don't even have interest in that particular course.
Because of this incident I develop a greater lack of interest in art courses and subject so that made me not to even put effort in them again and I can remember that happened during my SS1 second term and from that term and then third term I just have to focus on science courses and subjects without waiting till SS2. Sometimes the way we assume things is not the way it is because if I should understand that the man was wanting me to be a student or see that I have potential there, I won't have hated him but rather I hated him and let go of him and his subject and that was the end of art subjects and I.
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I believe if he was a little calmer and patient with you, it wouldn’t have ended like that. He probably was already frustrated.
I'm happy you eventually came to the realization that the man wanted what's best for you. So let me just sheath my sword.
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