The beginning of a new chapter.

in HiveGhana2 months ago (edited)


I am thrilled to announce the launch of our 19th Hive Borehole across in the north of Ghana. From all of you lovely hivians here in the Hive blockchain community, the continued support and love for the life-changing project have been absolutely amazing.

As project manager, I personally am deeply grateful to every single person on the blockchain who contributes to positively impacting Ghanaian village lives. Your dedication and hard work, communicating and combining in such a short period, show how collaboration and modern technology can come together for a common good.

Gradually, we are hitting a big milestone—the number of individuals served per day by the Hive Boreholes is exploding. By the end of this year, I can assure you, we will have crossed over 20 boreholes in Ghana, and there will be a testimony to tell in underserved communities. We have shown the world the incredible difference technology can make in the human experience.


Work is already at an advanced stage for the 19th borehole to be constructed in the northern part of Ghana. This region in particular has become one of the toughest places in the country to get clean drinking water, and many of the international entities that have tried to intervene have miserably failed to supply relief. But the Hive community and its sense of innovation and ingenuity have stepped up and did something to provide clean and accessible water in this water-scarce region of earth.

The drilling, which is the first stage of this project, is expected to start soon. There has been an in-depth meeting with the community leaders, and the people of the village are excited that the Hive Borehole is in their village. Their excitement is what keeps us trying to make this work.


We will, as usual, update all the progress of the project. More to come as we go on this journey together. Big cheers for being part of this amazing project.

Completed Hive Boreholes in Ghana
1st hive borehole, Fawoade, Ghana

2nd hive borehole, Agona Bedomase, Ghana

3rd hive borehole, Anwomaso, Ghana

4th hive borehole: Pentecost sch Bremang, Ghana

5th hive borehole, Jamasi Dawu

6th hive borehole, Asamang

7th hive borehole, Asamang

8th hive borehole: Chichibon

9th hive borehole, Chanshegu

10th hive borehole, Gbamyamli

11th hive borehole, Kanvili-kukuo

12th hive borehole, Asamankama A

13th hive borehole: Asamankama B

14th hive borehole: Wadie Adwumakase

15th hive borehole: Nantong Kpawumo

16th hive borehole : Dingoni

17th hive borehole : Nsuta Kwagyei

18th hive borehole : Asenua


Project : Construction of borehole
Location : Agric-Tamale, Ghana, West Africa
Sponsor : @valueplan
Project manager : @mcsamm & @collinz


Changing lives with hive.



I’m really impressed by how much you guys are dedicated to making this a reality. And Hive being able to make i happen shows how much we can achieve together as decentralized community.

Keep up the good work sir. I’m sure it wasnt easy to build from the first borehole to the 19th one.

It has been a tough journey but we've made a good progress so far

Wow that's awesome, the 19th borehole. God bless you people as you stay committed and dedicated to the process, and all hivers who supports this Activities.

Amen and thanks too

Hive touching lives through the hiveghana team, you guys are doing a good job.

congratulations to you guys for helping many communities who are need of water. keep it up!