Turning fear into curiosity.

in HiveGhanalast year


Recently, I had the great chance to interact with Ghana's and Africa's cheerful and dynamic youth, casting light on the numerous possibilities open to them. It's no secret that many people throughout the continent are cautious, if not afraid, to venture into the world of the internet and online platforms. Despite the fear, there is a ray of light - an opportunity to debunk preconceptions and embrace the digital landscape's limitless possibilities.

One of the main topics of our conversations was the revolutionary impact of blockchain technology. Far from being a remote and challenging notion, blockchain allows people to discover and experience its numerous benefits directly.




Blockchain provides an enormous amount of potential, ranging from decentralized banking to digital ownership and beyond.

As passionate promoters of development and innovation, we are dedicated to exposing the unsung tales of success and empowerment that result from using web-based platforms. Our objective is clear: to provide African youth with the information and tools they need to confidently and purposefully navigate the digital world.

With training, guidance, and practical training, we are paving the way for a new generation of digital pioneers - people who are not afraid to use technology to better themselves and their communities. Together, we can shift the narrative about internet potential in Africa, transforming fear into interest and reluctance into action.




In the next months and years, we will continue to work to close the digital gap and enable Africa's young to grab the limitless opportunities that await them online. Join us on an adventure of exploration, creativity, and empowerment as we realize the full promise of the digital era.


If only my government can have time and funds for the youths🤦‍♂️. Nigeria is one crazy place to be at.
I’m glad you guys are empowering the youth it’s not something we see everyday in Africa.

Governments are simply afraid of the power of blockchain technology. It is time to embrace this new technology.

Very true.

The average African would prefer to invest to his time in a more physically tangible vocation than give blockchain a chance.Hes more afraid of credibility.To him, anything that involves the internet has to be fraudulent. Africa will grow to accept that blockchain is harmless and far more beneficial.

Sometimes it’s hard to even preach the web3 gospel to people because of how people paint “blockchain”
When I explained to someone what hive was about she immediately said am I not scared that oneday all my efforts will become wasted
I could just imagine what other thoughts she had and she sounded like she didn’t want to take any risk
She has forgotten not taking a risk is also taking a risk

You are right dear.