Clean drinking water remains one of the critical challenges in Ghana and much of the world. In most rural Ghanaian villages, women and children search for water by walking kilometers daily. This affects their health and daily lives. It extends to school children who have to waste time in class as a result of going distances to fetch water. This is a huge and imposing problem, where education and health are generally directly affected.
My name is Sam (@mcsamm), a young Ghanaian who finds passion in humanitarian causes and the power of blockchain for change. Citing several trips to villages in Ghana and the sufferings people face daily for water, I said I had to act. In 2022, I started this journey to intervene in this serious basic need with a vision to create clean water for all.
The result was a journey that came to fruition in the construction of my very first borehole in the Ashanti region, a project that avails fresh, safe water to over 500 inhabitants daily.
Since then, my commitment to the cause has grown, and by now, I have been able to construct 19 boreholes across various villages in Ghana which the 20th borehole is underway.
This was made possible with the support of a Hive blockchain, which is a true decentralized platform that has been the source of primary funding for this initiative. The decentralized nature of Hive allowed me to marshal resources and bring the said dream into reality-a sustainable solution for many thousands of people who otherwise have daily contact with contaminated water.
Besides these boreholes, I have supported the local schools through the provision of educational materials, which enables the young students to continue working on their dreams without limitation by their circumstances. Also, all communities where a borehole has been provided have benefited from free healthcare and screening, with an aim to ensure improved health outcomes alongside access to water.
This work has filled me with pride and gratitude, showing me firsthand the incredible power of technology and blockchain to make a tangible difference. I realize that too often, leaders have let down our society around these basic needs.
But through the Hive blockchain, I found my path to step up for my community in a meaningful way and proved that individuals with the right means will indeed create change. Currently, through my existence and involvement in the Hive blockchain, more than 1,000 people benefit daily from the water wells I have constructed.
While grateful for the steps that we've taken, I know there is so much more that could be and needs to be done. Communities all over Ghana lack access to clean water, and I'm always committed to the expansion of this effort. With more support and funding, I feel we can make it out to even more villages and really increase our presence.
I hope these links give you a flavor of the joy and relief each community feels when safe water arrives. All this put together makes the dream bigger and more robust than any one vision that one of us may have.
I mirror and show what technology and blockchain do a great transformation to society in terms of touching the lives of so many by effecting positive ripples, and I really just want to express my appreciation to everyone for their support. let's keep up with the construction of stepping stones as we try to create a brighter future and help the world identify the power of blockchain and web3 technology.
Below are links to the launch and handover ceremonies for each of the boreholes I have been able to construct and donate to Ghanaian villages.
Completed Hive Boreholes in Ghana
1st hive borehole, Fawoade, Ghana
2nd hive borehole, Agona Bedomase, Ghana
3rd hive borehole, Anwomaso, Ghana
4th hive borehole: Pentecost sch Bremang, Ghana
5th hive borehole, Jamasi Dawu
11th hive borehole, Kanvili-kukuo
12th hive borehole, Asamankama A
13th hive borehole: Asamankama B
14th hive borehole: Wadie Adwumakase
15th hive borehole: Nantong Kpawumo
17th hive borehole : Nsuta Kwagyei
19th hive borehole : Agric Tamale
You and your team have made humanitarian services a habit, it's really not easy but you do it anyway.
You know I love what you're doing.. but... I saw this meme that made me think of the borehole project.. I had to share..
Hehehe. Maybe when the little girl grows up. She would know it’s easier said than done. Or she could as well give us the formula to move closer to the damn water 😂
Incredible comm Hive has transformed the lives of many. Congratulations
Woow. Such a great milestone you have achieved for your people. Am sure they would be grateful to have such a passionate soul as a gift to them. I love the part where you emphasized that you have a heart for humanitarian services. You are really doing great sir with your team. Changing lives with hive. Such a great feat achieved in a short while. Keep up with the good job. Posterity is proud of you