in HiveGhana2 years ago

Hello everyone..
Good day, how are you all doing
Hope you had a great day.
This is my first time of participating in the weekly contest and I am glad to be here…
Haven't been on hive for a very long time now, because I wasn't able to combine my studies with it, but now I guess I have to learn how to do it
So coming back from my break, hive Ghana is the first place have decided to start my post with..
I hope I'm welcome here.
I really love the topic of this week,
But for today, I will be talking on my expectations for the month of September.


September as we all know is the 9 month of the year.
Sometimes, majority of people I know usually write down their expectations for the year from the month of January. And if they want to sit down and count, they will discover that most of those things they wrote down haven't been touched, that why I don't even bother writing mine.

To be sincere, I didn't have any expectations for the month of September…to me I felt that it will be ordinary month as it used to be, just staying at my parents house and just live my life to the fullest like I have no troubles.

But this few days, have been thinking very hard, I began to ask myself questions like..

What am i doing exactly?

From January to September I have nothing to show forth as an achievement for that year, depending on my parents for the least things I can afford myself,, starving myself of something crucial because I don't have money to fix them..

I sat down in my small room and told myself it's time to get up it's time i start being serious with my life. Get a life outside school and think outside the box..



Before the year runs out I promised myself to make 50k from hive let's start from there..
Maybe I can make more than that but let's begin there I want to know how it feels to make your own money.
I want to be proud of myself.
This is my first expectations for the month of September.


My second expectation for the month of September is improving in my cooking skills.
Seriously, I can say that I'm kind of ashamed of myself that a 300 level student of university cannot Cook for even 1 person to feel the food.
Yes, I'm not really used to cooking that's because my mom took it upon herself to be cooking without bothering us and even if she did…I feel we didn't want to learn, so I end up starting university without knowing how to prepare simple soups like okra and melon.
I told myself, buddy.. by September 2023 I should be an expert in the cooking world even if I'm not perfect. Infact before my birthday I should be able to prepare my favorite meals all by myself.
I will be very proud of myself.


I found myself loving basketball. But my friends usually discourage me by telling me that I am short and I won't be able to fit into the basketball world, but I don't always mind because this is something I want to do Earnestly.
This is one important expectations I have for the month of September.
Seriously, if I see a someone now who is willing to couch me…I will drop everything and go for it.
Unfailing, by September ending I will be a proud member of a basketball team.


My greatest expectations for the month of September is

When I knew about hive at first. I said hive is a boring place to be. Even when I was gaining from the little I usually write, I still did not see the need to be doing it. I saw it has stress. I'm always feeling very lazy anytime I go to write, Infact that is when I will start feeling sleepy. I felt I was forced to do it But my friends are earning and doing very well here on hive.
And when I settled myself down and talked to myself. I knew that it was my fault, because of

  1. Lack of consistent
    I was never consistent in whatever I did. Today I will do it, tomorrow I won't and then I will get tired and that's it's don't have time to engage in other people's post or even read and comment on them.
  1. Excessive postponement
    Because I never liked hive, I always postpone the days to engage on post.
    Today I will tell myself, I will write 3 post and I will end up not doing anything. Tomorrow I will continue like that till day turned days and weeks then months.

  2. Inferiority complex
    I never saw myself as someone that can make it or earn more from Hive. I always see other people there far more better than I am, and I can't even reach were they are.
    I feel that was my mentality deceiving me and I have decided to start a fresh and have fun time here on hive.
    I know that with consistent and handwork, I can reach the top and earn more from Hive.
    This may not be important expectations to you or for you.. but every expectations I have written down here is important to me just like my academics.
    And I wish to fulfill all these things this 3 months remaining. And I will still come back here and tell us the outcome of these expectations.

This are my expectations.
Thank you for making out time to read this post.
Mmenyene cares❣️