The Annoying Sound of Loud Chewing

in HiveGhanalast year

The sound that drive me most crazy is loud chewing! You know, when someone eat their food and you can hear all the lip smacking and chomping. Some people chew so loud, it seem like they want whole room to hear. The wet mouth noises make me feel upset. I do not know why certain people chew that way. But it one of most irritating sounds ever.

At dinner table growing up, my brother chew with his mouth open. Smack, smack, smack , with every bite I hear it. I tell him chew quieter but he not care. He say that how he eat. But why he need chew so loud? It drive me nuts try eat my food with that chewing sound. Sometimes I leave table just get away from it.

Other times I at restaurant and hear stranger at next table chomping away. They not even talking, just chew chew chew in my ear. I try ignore it but cannot. The chewing noises make me clench my fist. I want tell them shut mouth. But not polite do that. So I just try finish meal fast and get away.

Or worse, I sit in movies and person behind me eat popcorn loud. Crunch crunch, smack smack. I cannot focus on movie with chewing sounds. It so rude chew that way in quiet theateDon't they know other people hear them chomping? Makes me angry they not care. I shush them few times. But they keep chewing loud.

I don't get why some people eat like that. Do their parent not teach to chew with mouth closed? Is not that hard keep lips together while eating. Why they need chomp down with open mouth right in people ears? The wet sounds of food in mouth so gross to hear. Just chew soft.

Some friend tell me I am overreacting to chewing sounds. They say it natural to hear some mouth noise with eating. But not that loud! That more than just normal eating sounds. I don't want hear every detail what in their mouth. Keep private business private! It common courtesy chew quiet in public. No one want hear all that slurping and smacking. Just have manners.

The worst is when loud chewers not self aware. If you going eat like slob, at least know it bother people. But they act all innocent chewing away, no idea how much it grate on others. Ignorance make it more infuriating to me. I wish could play tape recording of their rude chewing so they hear how bad it is!

People say the noise just part of eating. But there are way to lessen it. Keep lips closed and chew slow, not opening mouth wide with each bite. Don't just shove food in and chomp down. Take smaller bites and gentle bites. And for wet foods like soup, please slurp soft. I hate hearing every lip smack and slurp in detail. Just have some tact.

I know it not kind get so upset by chewing sounds. Sometime I try be patient and ignore it. But after minutes of loud gnashing and lip smacking, I lose it. The anger boil up in me. I have leave room or say something because so irritating. It like fingernails on chalkboard for me!

Please, I just ask people be aware of chewing volume. We all must eat, but can do it without disturbing everyone nearby. Keep mouth closed, chew gently with lips together. Don't chomp down on food hard. Slurp soup and drink soft. Avoid crunchy foods like chips and pretzels if you are loud chewer. Have respect for those around you. Some noise normal, but excessive loud chewing just unbearable.

Maybe I oversensitive to sounds. But trust me, hearing wet sloppy chewing every meal not fun. Next time you eat, take note - are you loud chewer? If so, make effort to tone it down. Your family and friends will thank you! We can peacefully enjoy our meals if we just chew soft and keep those lips together. It simple fix to annoying problem. Small change can make mealtimes more pleasant for all. So chew quiet from now on.

This is my Entry to Hiveghana weekly prompt


Thanks for reading here❤️❤️


This sound drives me crazy as well. I just think it rude and mannerless to chew gum like that in public.

It's not only gum even food chewed loudly irritates me so much

Yeah right I can relate.

This sound is so annoying

You're not overreacting my friend, I also hate it a lot when people smack food like they're breaking wood
Most times, I'll just leave the venue but not without a complain, lol

I just can't withhold it

Ahaha that is , if they will ebmven take the coresction, some will even feel offended that you corrected them

I think it’s a thing about brothers
My brother also used to chew so loud and I would just be so annoyed at him because can’t you just close your mouth?

If everyone is doing it why is it hard for you?

Hah hah I think it's their way, but seriously it is so annoying