As human, living on this planet earth, one important skill to be mastered is the ability to be able to tolerate others. Life throws all shades of people our way, the good, the bad and the ugly. From homes, tolerating one's family and then to neighborhood, then school, and finally work place. Did anybody mention places like market and public hospitals in Nigeria(that's a story for another day). It takes a whole lot to be able to stand those people.
Human being and their attitude of taking people for granted. They know exactly what they're doing yet expect you to tolerate them. There are actually some sets of people especially at work that are always determined to squeeze peace and life out of others. They are manipulative, greedy, lazy. Probably because they feel threatened by your strength and energy or they just have this natural hatred towards someone, they go all way out. I tend to be careful with these sets of people especially when they're superior in positions.
It is very important that there's tolerance between workers as it'll be easier to work and brainstorm on maximum productivity of projects for the growth and development of the organization.
At some point, workers will have to put their differences aside just to team up. However, some attitudes from co-worker should be rejected and address with immediate effect else the continuity of it will cause more headache and disaster in the future.
I take as much shit as I can because I would give you multiple excuses. Not to forget these sets of people will make you look like the bad person and might even go as far as reporting and ruining others. Silence and tolerance is not cowardice but strength. I take as much as I can but there's always a limit to everything.
I have values and discipline that has kept me on my feet for years and I don't break it anyhow.
Putting people in their places isn't something difficult and that's exactly what I do to those people. I don't care if you're superior or we're mates or whatever. I hate what I hate and when I dish back what they serve, at that point, I no longer care about the outcome.
People know exactly what they're doing so "no gree for anybody". Put them back in their places and draw the line.
Good riddiance to nonsense.
Some people just lack self-respect. They always want you to talk, and you will look like the bad one when they are wrong. Good riddance to nonsense, indeed.
They're hypocrite.
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You are most welcome.
I like how you talked about putting those people back in their place
Honestly that’s the only way out
People just would always take advantage when they find out you’re too tolerant
Taking advantage is human being second name.
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You’re welcome