Avatar the Last Airbender - My Review

in HiveGhanalast year

Hi guys,

How are we all doing? I know tomorrow being a Friday makes most of us if not all of us happy, well atleast for those who do not work on weekends Fridays are exciting times because the Holiday or the free, good quality time begins, hopefully.


screenshot from the movie

Anyway, so today being the 22nd, the screen adaption of the Avatar the last Airbender, the animated series was released on Netflix and i simply can't help but satisfy my curiousity and binge watch it right after work because i had to know how things were gonna go and i must say i loved it.

My Rating: 9/10

Yeah, you may be thinking am i not just overrating the sequel, well, that's my rating and i would gladly hear your thoughts too but just for a minute hear me out on why i would give this rating because i believe the sequel is truly worth this rating;


screenshot from the movie

  • Plot Twist; So The Last Airbender animated series had 20 episodes which did amazing in elaborating the story line to the epic showdown at the North Pole where the water benders had to fight for their survival and that of the life of the Moon Spirit. In the end a sacrifice had to be made, all resources were pulled and it was a win with lots of damages.

Now naturally you would wonder how one could put 20 episodes into a condensed 8 episodes and still make it work, worthy enough for funs to enjoy it and give it a goo rating but this production team did amazing and they really did pull it off. Starting with history of the eradication of the fire nation to the unveiling of Aang from the Ice and then the story quickly unfolds, it was just all fun.

Within every single episode of the 8 episodes we had about 3 episodes of the original animated series being told side by side in the most creative way possible, no important detail was left out and anyone who is a true fan of the animated series would really appreciated the fact that no major character that contributed to the journey of Team Avatar was left out. The person who did the story line for this must have really been a true fan to get this this right.


screenshot from the movie

  • CGI and Editing; of all the bending techniques and the various CGI that were exhibited in this series i would give those who worked on airbending true value for their money, all the others were amazing and they really did try with the earth bending, but the airbending was just perfect and aww strucking. Appa was well constructed and so was Momo.

And then there was the avatar state, Kiyoshi taking over and doing those badass moves to send commander Yao and his crew away was just epic, almost reminded me of an amazing scene in End game, lol, let me just move on before i get attacked for comparing MCU and Netflix. Anyway the editing was beautiful, just on point and i love how easy Aang got the hang of the Spiritual realm.


screenshot from the movie

It is a true testament to the fact that Air Nomads practice the way of the Spirits and Aang being the Avatar and hence a bridge between worlds had a double advantage and so it was meant to be. I also love the fact that the most important Spirits that were featured in the season of the animated series were not left out, the face stealer, the habai spirit, one would really and indeed appreciate the works done on this particular adaption.


Obviously there is more i could go on about but the fact that i just binge watched it doesn't mean everyone here may have had that opportunity and i may have already given enough spoilers already, maybe at a later time i would pick the episodes one after the other and talk about them but until then i seek to encourage us all to watch.


screenshot from the movie

Lest i forget, "My Cabbages" did feature and our favorite King Bumi was not left out so get on your Netflix's accounts and enjoy this great production, it was value for money, truly worth my time and i am glad i watched. I would look forward to hearing y'all who may have already watched or are still in the process. What are your thoughts?


I saw the trailer on Netflix but I didn't get to see it yet.
Great you shared you view here

Check it out on Netflix, it was released yesterday, lemme know your thoughts afterwards

This movie is one of its kind and I don't think this can go unrecognised at all because it worth watching. I really need to see this movie. Thanks for sharing.

Thank youuuu, yeah everyone ought to watch it but even more so are fans of the Avatar Framchise

Yeah, I am a real fans also. I could remember watching while I was very young, the movie is so lovely.

Haha, Avatar is a series that will stand the rest of time, I’m sure my kids and their kids would still enjoy the animation years to come, I’m saving it for them

Yeah, you are very correct about that. It can never end anytime soon. It will continue to be evergreen


Yeah, I am for real

Okay I’ll watch Avatar now.

If I didn’t know any better, I’d say Hive was watching me now too. Almost every social media I am on has recently been showing me a lot of Avatar content.

Many people that know me won’t believe me if I tell them I’ve not watched the Avatar animation series yet. I know the complete story though from the pieces I watch across social media.

Nooooo! How can you not have watched the animation?🥺

Please watch it before you tackle the Netflix adaption ok so you can appreciate it better, it’s like reading the book before a great movie, is a must

I’m yet to watch this but it made me remember things that made me laugh
Can you believe I was so obsessed with avatar as a kid that my mom said I should wake up at night to be throwing my hands around like how they do they bending
It’s a secret I’ve been keeping to myself
Don’t tell anyone o🥹😂😂😂

hahahahaha, Avatar Abenad, you must have really and truly loved this series, i hope you watch the adaption and tell me your thoughts

Yeah I will do that soon