Hello, everyone.
I welcome you to my blog. Growth is really something we cannot escape; it is either you work towards ensuring your physical growth aligns with every other aspect of your life (emotional, financial, etc.) or you watch yourself regretting not doing things at the right time when these things don't align. The failure to work towards ensuring the emotional aspect of your life improves with your physical looks is why you see some adults behaving and reacting to situations like babies or wrongly. As humans, we always strive towards improving, which is a good thing, but we need to ensure that the improvement we strive for is effective in almost every aspect of our lives.
Growth is in phases. We had the phase where we were just babies, and in this phase we had nothing to worry about, and we had our parents take care of us, and whenever we had problems, no matter how small, we always ran to them for solutions since we had no power of our own and could do nothing for ourselves, and they were there to see us through that phase of life. In this phase of life, we most of the time only have a problem when we misplace our socks or lunch box and are asked to look for it or face the wrath of our parents. As much as this phase was less stressful, the stress that comes with looking for misplaced socks or lunch box covers for all the time we relaxed.
Then we moved to a phase where we could now get a few things done and were not completely dependent on our parents. In this phase, our parents had to cut us some slack so that we could learn to be self-dependent because the time is coming when we would not even be able to run to them anymore, but at first we actually did not think they were doing us any good, as being completely dependent can be so relaxing and comforting, not requiring any form of stress or brain-cracking.
My 100 Level days on the day of our induction into the college of engineering.
Currently in a phase where I am expected to do almost everything for myself and try to keep even the problems bottled up so as not to add my problems to that of my parents or have them worry about me as they already have a lot of things to worry about. I gained admission in 2019, and at the beginning I called home for almost everything I needed, but over time I realized I could not be completely dependent on home since I was not the only child and even my parents had personal problems. That is when I started doing things for myself, and so far so good; I get a lot of bills cleared without them even getting to know about them.
It has been years and still counting, we have been through thick and thin just to get this degree.
Passing through these phases of life indicates growth; you go from being completely dependent to being semi-dependent or partially dependent to the phase where you are completely independent, and at this level, home starts to even expect you to help clear up their own bills.
Thanks for your support.
This your transformation has shocked me. Is that really you from level 100?😂😂
It's really me oo 😂, I look at my best picture from that year and I never wondering what made it the best 😂.