Hello, everyone.
I welcome you to my blog. The Gen Z generation is always in when it comes to making mountains out of mere hills, an issue that can be handled without going back and forth. The Gen Z generation will always opt in to going back and forth, which is very bad. During the time of our forefathers, it was stereotyped that it was the woman's duty to take care of the kitchen and make sure food was always made available while the man had his own responsibilities, but today we have the Gen Z feminist on a podcast saying that cooking for your husband is slavery and all; instead, he should get a maid to do that.
This stereotype kind of helped everyone know what is expected of them, and that way both parents were able to run their families smoothly and leave no stone unturned or untouched. It is a partnership and not a competition or slavery like the Gen Z feminists call it; in a partnership, the parties involved always have a role to play, and the only way a partnership can thrive is when the people involved play their part. You play your part, and the man plays his part, and you get to raise your kids right. Once one parent starts to lag or fails to play their part, then there is a problem with running the family.
Mostly in Africa, it was believed that men's role is to provide for the family and have nothing to do with the kitchen, as that is the woman's role, but we have evolved and of late seen men take up catering jobs and even go as far as owning a restaurant and running the restaurant singlehandedly before they hand it over to someone else to manage when it becomes big, which means that stereotype of a man having nothing to do with the kitchen no longer stands.
Even with the existence of the stereotype, I was raised by parents who did not see gender as anything; as long as you live under their roof, you will be treated as the kid you are, and this has nothing to do with gender. I was raised in a house where the boys cook and the girls cook too; nothing like cooking should be done by the girls while the boys get water for the house. Any day and any time my mom wants, she can ask you to do a certain chore, whether kitchen-related or not, and you have no other choice than to get it done. Truth be told, back then I actually envied friends whose families did the whole gender thing, but today I am grateful for how my parents raised us.
So yes, I support the man helping out in the kitchen whenever he can or whenever the need arises. It is a partnership, and one should be able to help their partners play their role well so that the partnership can thrive and not crumble. Because a particular thing is expected of your partner does not mean if you can help out then you shouldn't, whenever you can help just do it.
I do agree with you that for the partnership to work, mutual support is a must. As for genZs I am that phase where I completely avoid them. 😅 The understanding gap is too big for me to bridge.
Gen Zs are to be avoided 😂.