Hello, everyone.
I welcome you to my blog. These days we humans make it look like the only thing that should be considered a blessing is finances, and every blessing must be finance-related; we only feel blessed when things are working well for us and our finances are up and flowing very well with nothing actually stopping the inflow and outflow of money. We tend to forget that being alive is a blessing, good health is a blessing, having a roof over your head is a blessing, and having a family to call your own and cast your burden on is an even bigger blessing, but all that we want is money, good-paying jobs, and good businesses, and we fail to remember that we can only keep our businesses and our jobs when we are alive and healthy, and the day we die, the business closes and our jobs are given to someone else.
People need to learn to be grateful for the little things, as the little things matter too. Blessings are not only about finances, good businesses, and good-paying jobs; there are a lot of other things that, when you look around you, you will come to realize are a blessing too. The truth is when you go out, you get to see people who have nothing to eat and no hope of getting any, but you have what to eat in excess, and all you need is money, but you still feel like you are not doing well, and then you fail to appreciate and be grateful for the food you have, which is very wrong.
Some people already feel it is their right to sleep and wake up every morning, but it is not so; to sleep and wake up every morning is an opportunity that the source that creates life gives us and is no one's right. I have learned to be grateful and appreciate my small wins. I am not where I want to be, but I am grateful for how far I have come. I was one of those who only wanted financial blessings, but I have had experiences that exposed me to the fact that everything around us is a blessing and blessings don't have to revolve around finances alone.
images used are mine.
For those who feel life is nothing, they should be allowed to spend two nights at a hospital's emergency room; they will not come out the same. All I wanted was financial blessings back in the days until I was bitten by a snake, and I had to spend about 4 days at a hospital's emergency room, and my mindset changed, and every day I am grateful to God for the gift of life, and it was during my stay at the hospital that I saw things that I wish to unsee. I saw people draw their last breath after fighting so much to survive. One that still plays in my head is that of a man whose sick bed was close to mine. Every day I wish to unsee it, but it doesn't seem to go away.
That is the funny thing about we humans, we sleep and wake up every day without being grateful for it as if we are in control of it. We make plans for the future like we are so certain of what will happen tomorrow, is it not ironic that we cling unto a life that is not even ours or under our control.
As humans, there are always things for us to be grateful for. There are so many unfavourable things that happen every time. We should just learn to appreciate the gift which is life, and existence itself