in HiveGhana7 months ago

Many years ago, I had thought the only person who could love me as much as I wanted was my Mum. Later on, I assumed that real love only exists on screen or in papers, this was because of some circumstances around me. In the kind of environment I grew up in, there were some marriages that were not encouraging. The sight of some marriages scared me and I made up my mind I was not going to love. Meanwhile, I am from a broken home where there is little or no love. My father left us (my sibling, I and my Mum) when I was a little child. My younger sister was just some months old while I was 3 years old, when my father abandoned us.

The effect that had on me was so great, I had the wrong perspective of life until I met some people.

One of the effects the broken home had on me was low self esteem which I had to fight while growing up. I hated myself, my father and men generally with the thought that "all men are the same". Nay, I was wrong, there are still amazing, loving and caring men out there. Just be the right person and be positive, you will smile.

When I was a teenager, I had thought to myself 'there is no need to love' as the word "LOVE" was becoming obsolete in my mind.

However, during my undergraduate days, my path crossed with a couple who I envied so much. These two are sweet love birds. You will never see the woman without the husband and vice versa except when the other gender is not needed at the occasion or venue or on official assignment. They cherish each other, and the kind of bond that exists between them is so strong.


When I met these two, I asked what was wrong with my parents they were the opposite of this couple. I had asked myself severally what they did or are doing that my parents didn't do or know. A little closer to them, I discovered that yes love exists and because they were intentional to make it real and achievable so it was. I also observed that the couple made a choice to forgive, love and cherish each other. Yes, forgiveness was the key. My Dad couldn't get himself to let go of any offense my Mum made against him and likewise my Mum wasn't intentional to always avoid things that upset my Dad. So, when I saw the difference I made up my mind to love and be intentional about it.

Do I have a partner or love someone?

The smiling, beautiful lover girl 🥰

Yes I am in a sweet relationship with a loving soul. Since, I discovered that love exists (but only to those who believe so), I made up my mind to open my heart so I can love and be loved. Shortly after then, I met this handsome, intelligent and loving guy on Facebook. Mind you, I already knew that there is no limit to love, you can find your soulmate anywhere and at any time, hence don't limit your scope or be rigid.

There are so many things that intrigues me about this guy. He is such a wonderful and beautiful soul. He forgives so easily, he corrects me in love, he is mature enough to overlook my excesses (but not damning ones though). He is not a miser, he knows and understands when I have a need and offer to help. But, the one I cherish most about him, is that he is very intelligent. He is fast to hear but slow to speak. He is a good listener who thinks before he talks and chooses his words carefully so as not to hurt others. This unique quality has made him stand out among other suitors. And I am loving him forever as long as God gives me breath.

This is my response to the weekly prompt on the #hiveghana community. Join us on to read more exciting topics. Thanks so much for stopping by to read my epistle on why I love my partner so much. I hope to read your responses on whether you love anyone or why you love them. I love you all.

I am @omobolanle1


Broken homes has terrible effect on children. Of a truth, if we are able to tolerate each other, understand that we all are humans and have flaws our love life would be perfect.

True love exist, but it is made not found, like I said earlier on, every human has a bad side, if you are able to love and cherish them for who they are and not what you want. You will safe yourself from getting hurt unnecessarily

You are right,dear. Tolerance is a driving key to finding true love.

Thanks so much for stopping by.

You are welcome ma

This is a good quality of a man.
True love exist just that's hard to find. Thanks for sharing this with us

My pleasure dear

Awww you see how the universe works?
Just when you opened your mind to it you met someone
I’m so glad that you are actually very happy with him and I hope you all grow old together happily


Thanks so much, Sis

I wish you the best, too

You’re welcome