Can You Work The Work?

in HiveGhana5 months ago

At every job, there are always rules, principles and values that guide behaviors and decisions known as work ethics. Some people will speak publicly on how to be responsible and accountable, whereas, they are the author of bad work ethics. For example a manager who goes to the office once a month, a principal who will initiate gist during class periods e.t.c. I was once working at a place, where i saw people "illegally" relegating their works to others especially the new employees for insensible things like gisting, sleeping etc. This happens mostly in schools, instead of a teacher going to class to teach, they would rather give class work and go to the staff room to talk till the period is over.


Have you ever worked in a place whereby, if a particular department did not do their work properly, it will affect other departments? If there is anything my mother taught me about work, it is to do the most important things first. She tells me that instead of going out to play and then coming back later to get punished for not doing the house chores, why not just do the chores first then go play. I actually learnt two things from this. Firstly, to prioritize things starting from the most important. Secondly, to work with speed because i know if i should manage my time, i will have enough time to play. Also, doing it with speed does not mean i should do it anyhow if not, i won't sleep with all parts of my body intact, that's African Mothers for you.


There was a time i was working as a cashier, since i love to finish my work on time, i would have balanced my account before time. It is when i am about to round up and treasury in that the Head of Operation will know it is time for her to start working. I will be so annoyed because i know she has been gisting the whole day. Without her treasuring out for me, i cannot treasury in because my accout will never be balanced. Aside from the fact that her productivity has been affected , my productivity has been automatically delayed and ruined. Also, the auditors are wating to audit my account but they are also delayed because i was delayed by the HOP.


Going from one job to another, i have meet different types of employees. There are those that will always procrastinate until the last minute, those that shift responsibilities, those that pretend to be working, the gossipers, consistent late comers, the time wasters e.t.c Bad work ethics leads to low productivity and accountability. Good work ethics is simply the opposite of these things. These issues should be addressed for a healthy work environment.

My advice for those that find themselves among people with bad ethics is that, they should maintain their integrity and work ethics, they should not be influenced negatively by others.


At work places we always have those do as I say but don't as I do type of people, they only preach good work ethics but don't practice it at all..

Yeah true, if there’s anything I’ll ever forget my mom saying it’s not “ do the needful before you do the rightful”.
It’s really always better to prioritize what you have to do.

Yes, to avoid story that touches

This post is just smelling Nigeria Civil service, Nigeria civil service 😑

You have a good thinking but thank God I did not mention name 😂😂😂😂

Your secret is safe with me 😂🤣😂