A free advise

in HiveGhanalast year

Hello hivers....I believe we are all doing well. This week's topics are really mind blowing and I hope we get to learn , unlearn and relearn through our various views. So I thought I could share a little knowledge with you through this medium and also get to learn from you as we...so I decided to hop into the first topic FREE ADVISE.

Firstly ,Seeking and giving advice are central to effective leadership and decision making. Yet people seldomly view them as practical skills they can learn and improve. Receiving guidance is often seen as the passive consumption of wisdom. And advising is typically treated as a matter of “good judgment”—you either have it or you don’t—rather than a competency to be mastered.

If I am to give a general advice, following the different psychological challenges that people face, which may include anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem which seems to be the most incredibly difficult issues people deal with, and often require professional help to overcome as well as stress, grief, and relationship crises in our society, emotional challenges, belief systems, financial wellbeing or even social wellbeing I would resolve to it as a result of lack of or inadequacy of knowledge. Yeah most psychological challenges may be due to low psychological knowledge, emotional challenges due to low emotional knowledge, financial challenges due to low financial knowledge etc.
Therefore with respect to these, I would be sharing my view in the area of persistent/consistent quest for knowledge and alertness to upportunities .

Talking about knowledge, I mean a situation when one knows or is aware of a particular subject matter and the extent to which he or she knows or is expected to know. This is with respect to the application of reasoning ( either rationally, empirically or both), learning, the testimony of others and other available resources. However, it is possible that humans don't know nearly as much as we think we do.

Knowledge is more than just an acquisition, it is is a strong expression of psychological conviction which is a mighty tool in shaping our beliefs and values.Yes it's true that our beliefs are a product of the knowledge we have or we can say that knowledge is a belief itself, this is because before there is conviction of knowledge, one needs to believe that what he knows is true.

However, we are all sometimes mistaken in what we believe; this is to say, while some of our beliefs are true, others are false. But as we try to acquire knowledge, then, we are trying to increase our stock of true beliefs (while simultaneously minimizing our false beliefs).

For instance a good number of believers (Theists) believe that God is responsible for people's fulfillment in life rather than determination/ hardwork, which is why they pray and hope a lot on God rather than standing up and taking decisions but unfortunately, life seems to be disappointing with this mindset. Hence, we simply picture or capture the way things actually are; that is, seeking a match between our mind( our belief of what is true) and the realities of the world and also creating a positive attitude to work and strategies of achieving our goals.

In addition to shaping our beliefs and value system, A legitimate crave for knowledge builds a growth oriented mindset; This makes us believe that our abilities and intelligence can be developed over time, rather than being fixed and unchanging. This means that mistakes and challenges are seen as opportunities for learning and growth, rather than as failures. Having a growth mindset can make the process of seeking knowledge more enjoyable and rewarding, as it allows for a sense of progress and it also reminds us that there is no one "right" way to seek knowledge, that is, we go as wide, deep and large as;

  • Reading books and articles on a wide range of topics.
  • Engaging in online courses and learning platforms.
  • Watching educational documentaries and videos.
  • Talking to people with different perspectives and experiences.
  • Traveling to new places and exploring different cultures.
  • Engaging in hands-on learning experiences, such as taking classes or participating in workshops. As well as
  • unlearning unproductive junks in our mindset and relearning the productive ones.

Another reason for quest for knowledge is that knowledge on conviction builds competence or or what we call “know-how;” There are many ways in which knowledge can build competence. First, knowledge helps us to understand the world around us and how it works. This can lead to improved decision-making, as we are able to base our decisions on facts and evidence rather than on assumptions or gut feelings. Additionally, knowledge can help us to become more skilled in our jobs and hobbies, as it provides us with the information and understanding we need to do things effectively.

Finally, knowledge can boost our confidence, as we feel more competent and capable when we know more about the world around us.
Given the above characterization of knowledge, there are many ways that one might come to know something. Knowledge of empirical facts about the physical world will necessarily involve perception, in other words, the use of the senses. Science, with its collection of data and conducting of experiments, is the paradigm of empirical knowledge. However, much of our more mundane knowledge comes from the senses, as we look, listen, smell, touch, and taste the various objects in our environments.

But the true knowledge to solving life's backlog problems and making good decisions requires some amount of reasonings and analysis before it is yielded, and we draw inferences based on what our senses tell us.
Once this knowledge is obtained, it can be sustained and passed on to others. Memory allows us to know something that we knew in the past, and can also be transmitted from one individual to another via testimony; that is, my justification for a particular belief could amount to the fact that some trusted source has told me that it is true.
Another way to acquire knowledge is through skepticism; Skepticism is a valuable tool for acquiring knowledge. Skepticism means questioning and evaluating information before accepting it as true.

This can help to avoid falling prey to misinformation and false beliefs. It can also lead to more careful and rigorous investigation of claims, which can result in more accurate knowledge. It is actually an important part of the process of acquiring knowledge. It's important to strike a balance between openness and skepticism, being willing to consider new information while also remaining critical and questioning.

Therefore I will urge each and everyone of us to seek knowledge because the importance of knowledge cannot be overstated. Without knowledge, it would be difficult to navigate the world and make informed decisions. Knowledge is what allows us to make sense of the world around us and understand how things work.

It's also what allows us to solve problems, learn new skills, and make progress. There are many areas of life where knowledge is essential, such as education, healthcare, and technology. Even in our personal lives, knowledge helps us to make good choices and to improve our lives. So, the need for knowledge is fundamental to our existence and plays a vital role in our ability to function and thrive.

I hope you learnt one or two things from me today .share you're view and contributions in the comment section below ,I would love to learn from you too.


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I am certain that you are a philosopher...
Every of our action is prompt my knowledge. How knowledgeable a person is will determine his or her efficiency, and thus every human person need as much knowledge as possible. Simply put, knowledge is the reason behind every advancement. We owe every of advancement that their is to one discovery or another.

It was wonderful coming across a post as wonderful as your @paschal1. I would certainly love to see more of you

I'm glad you found this interesting...
As the adage would say Definitely "knowledge is power"...but I'm no philosopher my bro....Nice to meet like minds 😁

Nice meeting you too bro.
I am surprised to hear that you are no philosopher. You are vast in knowledge and I certainly would love to read more of your post...

Knowledge is really important but sometimes we forget that it goes with wisdom and you can only get wise by talking to others as you said
Enquiring from others all the time and that’s how we learn
You can know something and still not know when to apply that knowledge
You won’t even believe I learned a new thing about frying fish today just by asking my neighbor a simple question
Imagine if I didn’t ask