Traditional Gender Expectations—Isn’t it outdated?

in HiveGhana3 days ago
The notion that women's education ends in the kitchen is an African saying that I find deeply insulting to a 21st-century woman. Emphasis on the 21st century because we have evolved to standards vastly different from those of our ancestors. The majority of our women are career women with dreams to accomplish. I believe this adage was used at a time when women's education was not appreciated by some fathers in the 19th century.


In today's world, where we have educated women in high places doing jobs that "were meant for men" and doing them successfully, if such an adage is used, it should be used to appreciate the efforts women put into their homes. Most women were born to love the kitchen. They enjoy the process of mixing two or more ingredients together to create something pleasant to the eyes, nose, mouth, and stomach. It doesn't matter what position they hold in society; they can't sit still and have someone else manage their kitchen for them.

However, since this is the case, then that adage should be changed or reconstructed to reflect its true meaning—to suit our modern-day women who are successful both in their homes and in the offices they occupy outside.

In today's world, I'm not against a man helping out in the kitchen. I even see it as the right thing every loving man should do.

You know, I've had this discussion several times with my neighbor who feels it's not right for a man to cook while his wife is around. I almost agreed with him because I personally don't allow my brother to cook whenever I visit him. In my case, it's not because it's not right, but because I have nothing to do while he's cooking, and his food doesn't taste as good as mine.

But I did let my neighbor know that the world has changed. We are living in a society where some men either neglect their responsibilities or choose to share them with their wives.

Now, every man wants a working-class woman as a wife. They want this classic, beautiful lady who is established in all areas of life, and the funny thing is they still want a touch of a full-time housewife in her.

In our modern world, in my society, women are everything. We are nurses to our kids and husbands, we are cooks, we are cleaners, we are lesson teachers, and we still contribute to the family financially. How then is it wrong for a man to help out in the kitchen? It is a fact that men are providers and women are caretakers, but that isn't the case anymore. If a woman is actively involved in providing for the family, then the man should be involved in taking care of the house.

I find it romantic and exciting whenever I see couples cooking together. I can still remember the few days I returned from school and found my dad happily plucking leaves for my mother in the kitchen. No matter how tired I am, I always change quickly and rush back to the kitchen because my dad's presence there brings gist, fun, and excitement. My dad doesn't know how to cook, but he loves to help out whenever he can.

We are living in a modern world. I believe both men and women can live together in harmony without being too concerned about whose role is which. Men should happily help their spouses in the kitchen whenever they have the opportunity. This could serve as an opportunity to bond deeply with each other, as food is something that satisfies the body, the mind, and the soul.

Hive-ghana Community Engagement.


For your brother’s case, it’s different and it makes sense that you wouldn’t want him to cook because your food tastes better. But imagine if it was the other way round.

I’m glad it's not. His pride would have been too much.

The world is changing, the days of getting married so she will stay at home are slowly becoming a thing of the past..

Exactly. That is why it's not bad for a man to help around the house. Those things were all in the past.

Men helping out in the kitchen is indeed a right thing in our today's world and should be seen as a normal way of life,cause it's not just a house chores but also a way to indeed bring unity in the family

You have gotten the point☺️