Step parenting has become a thing of concern in our society because it has been abused, so it becomes a thing of concern for most people. I would say that for effective parenting either step-parenting or biological, we need to have a pre-knowledge of what parenting entails and the blessing that accompanies it, only then can we flow effectively disputing all odds that might come in the process of it.
Parenting is one of the most beautiful lifelong experiences that one is blessed with. No words can adequately describe the sustained pride, happiness, and joy of parenting. Despite all the joys connected to being a parent, its daily journey is often filled with obstacles, and these obstacles can stop parents in their tracks because of the intensity of their challenges if not managed.
I believe that parenting isn't all about being biological or not, parenting is all about showing love, affection, protection, paying attention and meeting the needs of the kids both physically, emotionally, mentally e.t.c. I see children as angels and they are gifts from above. And I see that loving, caring, giving them attention and protecting them comes with extraordinary blessings, it comes with joy, that is why i see them as angels.
Though it might be difficult at the beginning but when we see them as a blessing, it becomes quite easy. But that shouldn't be a main reason for caring for them because of that. We ought to understand that God bringing them to us will hold us accountable for whatever happens in their lives. Although the process of forming or starting may be difficult as well as blended with the family can also be both a rewarding and challenging experience, because oftentimes the kids might not reciprocate the love at the beginning or might even be misinterpreted some things, but we shouldn't give up on them, because the end will be a profitable and exciting moments and they will come around at the end, and the struggles with be forgotten.
But the truth is, step-parenting doesn’t have to be a negative experience for anyone involved. Many people and kids have very pleasant experiences and find themselves in a loving, supportive blended family. Understanding that children are blessings from the Lord and they are to be treated with love, care and affection, when either of their parents are not there.
Though it’s no secret that having a step parenting creates intense complexities that simply don’t exist in intact families, we don’t have to let these complexities hinder our marriage and play our role as parents. Though adjusting, managing and building to new roles and responsibilities of step-parenting can be quite difficult, but when we have an understanding of it, we will despise the struggle and move forward.
Though there are some ways I think that might be easy with blending with our step-children, building strong relationships, caring, listening, building trust, e.t.c also through shared activities focusing on establishing a caring, trusting relationship with them before stepping into any disciplinary role, also regularly communicating with our partner about parenting styles to ensure consistency and mutual understanding.
And in building relationships with them we ought to show genuine interest and care, listen actively and validate their feelings, support and prioritize their needs and goals, respect their boundaries and space, and be patient and understand them.
To embrace effective step-parenting we ought to recognize our importance and value, and focus on building a positive relationship which requires our patient and our flexibility, and that can be much easier when we get support from our partners, communicating openly with our partner and step-children. And even with that a clear boundary should be put in place.
Step-parenting is a unique journey that requires communication, patience, love, tolerance, support as the key, although unity and consistency are as well crucial, also building and blending the relationships might take time, but it will definitely yield an exciting outcome.
This is my response to this week's contest topic: "Step-parenting"
Thank you for reading to the end.
I still remain @pricelessudy
Posted Using InLeo Alpha
I really understand what you mean and now that I think of it like that , it kind of makes sense. Children are indeed blessings but what if the child isn’t acting like a blessing and is giving you hard time?
I know at first it will be quite difficult for the children, but they will definitely come around someday.
Even though their actions may not be friendly, we ought to continue, though it's hard, but ought to continue, and we will see the result at the end.
Thank you very much for this comment ♥️
Oh yeah that’s true.
You’re welcome.
I agree that step parenting has been abused and the beautiful side of it has been left to fade.
Children are angels and as one who encounters them daily, I absolutely love them as if they were mine
Absolutely, they are blessings.