This bad habit is growing everyday

in HiveGhana3 months ago

l thought I will not be able to limit the habit or stop it totally in the future, the deal is, since ever the introduction of these rectangular object we hold everywhere we go and called it a smartphone, the thing is making me to loose control of myself.

Imagine being in the midst of the people you really wanted to see and after some few minutes, you start looking at the rectangular object, as if the object is everything that matters.

The deal is, it is not everything and lt will never be, but it just a bad habit that i have allowed to play with me, up to the point of letting it to be distracting my attention in the presence of some people l really wanted to see.

Therefore, something happens that makes me to get rid of a thing like that, and as l have done that, l will not go back to a thing like that again. Here goes the story.

Few months ago, as friends, we like eating in one plates, and that means one of us will have to prepare a meal, and it was what took place that day, then it was time to eat, and l was still giving my focus to that rectangular object in my hand, and before I realized it, the meal was not there anymore, I recalled that l just took a spoon, the guys laugh at me that I was just giving my attention to the phone.

Luckily for me, there were still some of the meal in the pot, so I went and dish for myself, but that wasn't the deal, after that day, we have plans to meet again, but some people refused to show up, because they didn't want to experience that habit i did the other time.

l came to realized that back then, lt was not truly a funny laugh they did, but it was as a result of being annoyed, they were somehow angry about what I did.

Since then I don't want to do it again, l stop lt totally. Yet i do come across people still doing a thing like that. For instance, when they are talking to elders, l just realized they do not how wrong that is.

We have so much love the smartphone in our hands, up to the point of allowing it to play it smartness on us, and we do not even know about it, yet still allowing it to.

There are a lot of good that smartphone has help us to do, that is the truth, but we should also understand that there is a time for it.

lmagine when we are in a gathering, and we forget to put our smartphone on silent and then someone call our phone number and the phone started ringing and disturb the activities of the gathering. Partially, the smartphone has played it smart quality on us by disturbing us with it ringing when another discussion was going on.

lmage source


Smartphone has it advantages and disadvantages too

Yes, very true, those things that are not good, are the bad habits. Thank you for the comment, happy sunday.

I totally agree with you.

Thank you, have a great day ahead.