Man and discoveries

in HiveGhana9 months ago


I think man is the most stubborn living thing on earth, but our stubbornness to not give up on discoveries is called " resilient,
Man can never be satisfied with what he/she has discovered or found, and that's why we are called the living, because we give life to things around us, even houses.

I don't think man should give up trying to discover other planets outside our solar system, man don't like being at a end road more than they like to be on a curved road, meaning man is never finished, we
tend to always get creative

Man has not even discovered 70 percent of things here on Earth but man has become familiar with it's territories, and there is no true adventure or trill of adventure in the familiar zone, engineers, artists or surgeons are not called great remaining in a familiar atmosphere or working around a familiar project
The familiar zone is less intriguing, and it's of no use trying to make a name for blowing air in a balloon

Though the galaxy is a very large place to explore but it's also the most intriguing place to explore because it holds unasked questions that holds unknown answers, it's not just an idea it's an unfamiliar reality, it's a rare gift.

The universe holds many mysteries and where there is mystery there is man

Though scientists should know what can be and what cannot be done, like travelling to the stars, that project should not be discussed talk more of getting funded

The most crazy thing someone
One can think of building is something faster than light and that could travel for five years non-stop
Now, man has been to the moon, reached the deepest part of the ocean, climbed the tallest mountain in the world, but non of this holds more questions than wanting to go out of the solar system into another universe

Man will never stop exploring the solar system until they get answers to their silent question, which is, is there any other life elsewhere in the galaxy apart from earth

Man's curiosity is what drives him towards making useful inventions, at this point scientists will give everything if they could, to be outside the solar system into one of the many galaxies that there is.

*The wright brothers did somewhat of a magic decades ago by making something heavier than air fly in the air, and this technological miracle gave birth to more scientific miracles like sending men to space floating, later we saw men being sent to the moon, the discovery of the nine planets in our solar system, man couldn't be more curious than now

New Discoveries breeds more discoveries.