Communication and People

in HiveGhanayesterday



Communication is a very vital aspect of human life, and when there's breach in communication then relationships suffered it the most, this is due to the influence of communication on the human race. One sure thing is that, without communication, relationship cannot exist. It's communication that strengthens relationships.

When talking about communication and its channels which include the sender, message, medium and the receiver, it has a lot to do with both the individual and the group interaction of people that are of the same interest or atimes not of the same interest. So, when it comes to communication, there are skills of communication that one needs to be accustomed with. Such skills include, the listening skill and the speaking skill.

Both skills are very important and this is because, they help in aiding effective communication process. Both are very important, some believe that the listening skill is highly important than the speaking skill when it comes to communication. This is because it's better to listen than to talk. When you listen and pay rapt attention to a speaker, then you will be able to deduce all the facts in the speaker's speech.

So, as for me, I have been able to make use of all the communication types or means that are available which I will broadly categorized into two which are; the physical mode of communication and the online or offline communication which is characterized by the use of cellphone or other related gadget.

Both are good means of communicating with each other and they both have their advantages and disadvantages. As for the online mode of communication, some of it advantages are that it helps to save cost and atimes, saves time, which are very okay. But when it comes to it disadvantages, you can be so sure that a communication of this degree can be accurate and this is because it can be manipulated with lies, even the speaker gesture can also be manipulated and this is why I said it's not accurate. It also bring closeness unlike the other one.

But when it comes to the physical mode of communication, to me and in my own opinion, it's the best means and mode of communication. Though it might not be 100% perfect or accurate due to some certain exigencies, but notwithstanding, it can't be compared to the online means of communication. Here both the speaker and the listener hear themselves out. Though there might be lies from the speaker, but the gesture and other physical components of communication would help in revealing the speakers mind.

So, going by this, I will tilt towards the physical or one or one means of communication where both the speaker and the hearer hear themselves out. Like I said earlier, though not 100% accurate, but one can be so sure of the best from this mode and means of communication compared to the other means where both the speaker and the hearer are far apart.

This is my entry to the hiveghana weekly prompt.

Thanks for reading.

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Yes, face-to-face communication is the best. It resolves many issues and connects humans properly.

Unfortunately, I'm more good at online communication than physical one.

Yes ooo, thanks for stopping by