Is love worth it

in HiveGhana3 months ago

for most people the word love' is supposed to be sacred, for some it brings pain and sorrow and for some it's supposed to bring unquantifiable joy, but like the saying goes (different strokes for different folks) it's never the same for everyone.

Love cuts deep like a knife when it's betrayed and it dulls slow like a rut on a sword when it's not attended to
Love can make or mar the most brilliant of us, many a great men have been down by love and many insignificant men have been uplifted by it.

Love is not to be toyed with, it's something to be nurtured, cared for, given all the attention it deserves, love is also a test and the best way to rule or win over it is not by walking through it, it's by walking with it.

To me personally love is worth all the trouble that comes with it, is it challenging? Yes of course it is, but it always propels you to something better

Yes i know that to risk loving someone is to risk not being loved in return, afterall all life ventures are a risk, you risk not waking up just by closing your eyes to sleep, you risk transportation in vehicles, trains or planes with the possibility of accidents, but after the trip you Will come to realize that the prize is worth the price
If you think love is troublesome try some hate then you will realize how less troublesome love can be.

Love is usually called the unspoken language that everyone understands, don't underestimate the power of love, for what truth, courage or discipline cannot fix love always excels in fixing it,
The problem with the world is not limited or lack of resources it's lack of love,

Love brings people with different values together and makes them co-exist
The world we live in today is overfed with hate and starved with love, we preach love every minute we get but we don't live it, nor act it.
How can we give love when we don't have it

When couples comes together they do so because they love each other, maybe it's called love at first sight, but what happens when the sight becomes blurry, you can start out loving someone because of what or how you see them at first but eventually everything and everybody is not build to be perfect, we humans grows old and so does our character,
When you decide to love someone, look into thier heart not thier face, because eventually the face gets wrinkled up but the heart is going to live forever.

At the end Love is always worth every inch of the battle you have to fight for it
Thanks for your time.


Mmm that’s true though. I didn’t even think about the fact that loving someone is actually a risk and one of the main things is that you might risk not being loved back. I’m glad you said when you love someone, look into their heart. I think that’s always the right thing to do for the start.

Yes ' we have to , because all the things always fade away, but the heart is a nature... We can't do anything about it