How I can make the world a better place.

in HiveGhana9 months ago

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Very good that the world is so big, but even though small change can make a bigger difference! Embrace a more sustainable and ethical lifestyle being kind and staying positive are keys of changing the world around you. Making a difference start at home try to keep a positive behavior and be kind to people around you.Improve your local community by volunteering with a charity that is meaningful to you or by associating in local politics. Be kind to others.Do favors and help out where you can. We can be so busy working to improve the world as a whole,that we forgot that there are lots of things that we can do everyday at home that have a positive impacts also one of the best things you can do easily and everyday is to treat others how you want them to treat you, even holy books says love your neighbor as to your self, do something good for someone as often as you can. This can be little like making somebody'birthday present or other things like driving someone around until they get their car fixed, When we work together everything runs more smoothly and better.(2)Get to know your neighbors. How many or how much do you know the people who live right next to you?this question is what you suppose have been asking yourself time to time it will trigger you to get closer to people around and know how they are feeling,if you haven't exchange more than a few sentences with your neighbor that is means you are alone,a lot of people living in a large areas like Lagos and other big places may not have time to check up their neighbors, but being familiar with who live in your neighborhood has been associated with lower level of loneliness for you and others around you.
It also increase feeling of usefulness bringing respect and unit within the community.Introducing yourself to your neighbors gisting with them whenever you see them or even inviting them for neighborhood gethering can increase more united with in the community and it can also make someone feel great. (3)Donate menstrual products.Providing tampons and pads to people who need it will make a huge difference, sharing the world into two I believe that half of the world menstruate, but in many disadvantage ways, communities through out the world menstruate and not up to one quarter can provide themselves with sanitary hygiene products, I donating tampons and pads is a nice and great way I can help solve some problem my local community, because I discovered that not having access to menstrual products leads to humiliation and mostly isolation at best, and at worst discomfort and even life could be threatening ingredients of infections , for me to be donating money and items to the chaities that works to solve this problems,I believe that I'm keeping menstrual people around my community healthy and happy. I believe that I and you can be a factor of changing world into a nice place , look around your evrionment and your communities,families there are things you can do to change the world to a better place, I appreciate you as you are reading it and also help to check out what you do make our dealing places a nice one