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RE: Still Working on That Game to be Built on Hive

in Game Development4 years ago

You have 5 accounts blacklisted in Spaminator due mass plagiarism. So don't cry like this because you got a few small downvotes. Most of the thieves like you, get their accounts smashed by the community until have to leave this platform, so consider yourself very lucky. I would shut up if would be in your position, your good luck might change very quick.

Tienes 5 cuentas en la lista negra de Spaminator, todas por plagio. Así que no llores así porque te han dado unos votos negativos, pequeños. A la mayoría de los ladrones como tú, la comunidad les revienta las cuentas hasta que se acaban marchando de aquí, considerate afortunado. Yo si fuera tú me callaría, no sea que cambie tu suerte.