It really stinks that the card has damage, I really might protect this one straight away after this post. Preserve what I can! Even damaged cards have value. Plus, the front of the card is in great shape. This card is getting old, heck I'm getting old!
Cliff Lee was really the man for a long time! I've always been a huge fan, it definitely helps that he was a Phillie, but it's not just because of that. The man was very established prior to joining Philadelphia.
With the Indians, Lee had impressive records of 18-5 in 2005, and 22-3 in 2008. He won a Cy Young and was an All-Star in 2008! So like, I said, I like Lee even prior to being a Phillie. I just like his style and how he pitched in general, his whole windup.
He joined Philly in 2009, the season after the Phillies won the World Series, and helped the Phillies reach the World Series AGAIN. Man those were fun times to be a Phillies fan.
Lee would have a wild 2010 where he would be a Mariner, and then get traded to and go to, the World Series with the Rangers.
Then Lee would re-join the Phillies in 2011 and ultimately retire in 2014 wow, I didn't realize he played so long.
Ultimately, Lee played 13 seasons from 2002-2014. He had a 143-91 record as a pitcher with an impressive career ERA of 3.52. He was a 4x All-Star and a 1x Cy Young Award Winner.
The dude is a legend in my book! I'm so glad to have his rookie card!